Bruised and Scarred by Mayday Parade

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I didn't really have much of a choice, so I took off into the first verse of Bruised and Scarred by Mayday Parade. I could even see the band, Mayday Parade, sitting in the audience while I played one of their acoustic songs. I loved that song, but I was extremely self-conscious to perform it in front of it's makers.

"I'm bruised and scarred, save me from this broken heart."

I finished strong and the entire crowd, all of my idols, gave me a standing ovation. I swear, I could've started crying right then and there. The boys from All Time Low joined me on the stage once again.

"So, whaddya think, folks?" Alex asked the audience. Cheering sounded from every corner of the room, "Think she's ready to take on Warped?" Alex said after the first round of cheering died down. Sure enough, the crowd errupted into another wave of screaming and clapping and cheering. Alex turned in my direction, "Sounds like a yes to me!" he told me. Rian took the guitar from my hands and Alex reached out for a hug, "Welcome aboard," he said sweetly and, after a few seconds, the other boys from ATL joined us in our group hug.

Realizing I'd been silent for this entire debacle, I looked at all of them once we pulled out of our hug and told them, "Thank you. Thank you so much." And, with that, I hopped off the stage and sauntered back to my, nearly squealing, best friend, receiving multiple high-gives from various musicians. By the time I reached the aisle that Izzy and I had been sitting in, my excitable best friend was about to come unglued.

When I sat back down, I couldn't really make out what she was saying except for a few choice words and phrases, such as, "OHMYFUCKINGGOD," "WARPED," "YOU," "FUCKING AMAZING," and a few others.i couldn't help but laugh at how energetic she was. After she was done with her rant and had taken another breath, she stated, "Ahem, and you're welcome, by the way."



I'm such a terrible author omg

I'm so sorry for not updating in 6 months I'm a horrible person.

Sorry guys, I never thought anyone would actually read this, let alone, like it, so I never paid much attention to it nor Wattpad. And then I got on Wattpad a few days ago for the first time in months and oh, look, over 1,000 reads .

So, anyways, I'll definitely try and update this more since its summer and all, but, again, I am so sorry! You probably don't wanna hear excuses, but lately, my depression has gotten much worse and my best friend in the entire world, the one who I based the character "Izzy" off of, is no longer in my life anymore for reasons that are much to depressing to go into detail.

Anyways, thank you so much to everyone reading this!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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