Revolt, Resist, and Revolution

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I layed down on the cot, massaging my ankle. I had recently woken up from surgery, and let me tell you, I'm glad for not  being awake during the operation.

My whole calf is hurting and I can see patches of blood on my bandages. Warren's pacing the room, mumbling to himself every so often.

"You're still not self ridiculing yourself again are you?"

He shakes his head. "No. I'm waiting for that criminal to come to. The chief officer said he would let me know when he does and I'm going to head down to the station to get some answers.

"I don't think he speaks English." I said.


"He said something foreign, so I'm guessing he can't."

Warren starts pacing again. "I can't put my finger on it. A few months ago the laboratory was destroyed. Should there be anyone else who want's to kill you?"

"I don't know." I groan.

He continues pacing, then stares out the window and mumbles,"Has to be him, who else would it be?"

"What?" I ask.

He turns around and gives me a slight smile. "Nothing."

I raise my eyebrows at his suspicion. Who could he be talking about?

"Get better soon Dani OK? We don't want you in here for a third time this year." Nurse Kim says as we exit the hospital. I thank her and Warren takes us to the car.

I have to be on crutches for the time being, and they're already starting to dig in my arms. Warren opens my door for me, takes the crutches and puts them in the back. Closing the door, he walks around and starts the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he passes the turn to the mansion.

"We're going to the police station."

"Warren." I moan. "You're not still hung up on trying to find out who this guy is are you?"

He doesn't say anything.

I groan. "Warren, I know you're worried about who he is, but we're wasting time trying to figure it out."

He shakes his head. "No, I want to know who sent him. It could be vital information."

I ignore him and rest my head against the window. Cars pass by in a blur and people walk about the crowded streets of Westchester.

When we arrive at the station, Warren quickly helps me to my feet and hands me the crutches. We walk towards the front, where two men are standing guard. They let us in and Warren approaches the front desk. Before he can say anything, The chief officer appears holding a clip board in his hands.

"This way." He says and we follow him to the back. Approaching an elevator, he pushes the down button and it opens.

We waited until we reached the basement, and start walking. There are doors everywhere and I can't figure out how the chief officer knows how to find the right one. He opens it with his identification key and we're suddenly in a room. Screen panels are hanging in front of us showing different rooms in the building. I spot one that conceals the same assassin from before.

"He's in there." He says to Warren and I. We both nod as they open the doors, and we enter in. The man is sitting staring at the wall and doesn't even acknowledge we're here. I sit down at the table in front of him while Warren leans himself against the wall.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Niemand." He mutters.

"Who are you?" Warren asks again. "Who sent you?"

"Kien antwort." He mumbles.

Warren approaches the table to say something, but I stop him.

"Can you tell us your name?" I ask evenly.

The man hesitates for a moment, then says, "Ich verstehe nicht Englisch."

"He says he doesn't speak English I'm guessing." Warren says frustrated.

The door suddenly opens revealing a woman in a pencil skirt and black blazer. Her brown hair is pulled into a tight bun and glasses are pushed firmly against the bridge of her nose.

She flips over a few pages in her hands and places her hands on the table. "Wer hat Sie?" she askes.

The man looks around a bit then says, "Der Mann in Weiß"

"He says the man in white."

"What does that mean?" I ask him.

The woman translates.

"Ich kann nicht darüber sprechen."

"He says he can't speak of it."

Warren sighs.

I lean back against the chair and ask, "Why can't you tell us?"

She translates again.

"Dinge passieren."

She straightens up and says, "Things happen."

"What kind of things?" I ask hurridley.

He leans into the table and whispers, "Er ist etwas planen. Er kommt."

"What did he say?" I ask.

"He said, 'He is planning something. He is coming."

"Can you tell us more?" Warren asks.

The man spat in his direction. "Ich sage Ihnen nichts!"

"He says he won't tell you anything." The woman straightens the papers on the desk and starts pacing the room, talking to the man in German. The man leans back and speaks with her in a hushed tone. He shoots murderous glances at Warren here and there.

Finally the woman nods and turns to us. "He says he can't say anything more than that something is being planned. And he says if he tells us anything else, there will be trouble." She walks out leaving the three of us alone.

I scowl and stare down at the table. Someone was planning something, and we didn't know who. I couldn't find out who I was. But I had an idea.

"You wouln't think it was my father do you?"

Warren shakes his head. "There's nothing left he can do. Even if he wanted to take over, he wouldn't be able to since there isn't anything that would help him."

"You're sure?"

He nodded. Maybe he was right. Maybe it wasn't him.

So if it wasn't my father, then who could it be?

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