Chapter 2

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Tori's P.O.V
*4:30 PM November 20, 2015*

I had just got done with applying my makeup, which consists of mascara, liquid eyeliner, and nude lipstick. I'm just the type of girl that doesn't cake her face with makeup. Makayla had texted me at 4 pm that the club we are going to is called the Lights and to wear something "gooood". She also said that she would be at my house around 4:45 to not only pick me up but to see what I dressed in. My parents decided to have a date night due to me going out anyways. It's about 4:43 and I heard the door bell ring. I looked at myself once more before I went downstairs. I was wearing a black croptop that says ''AYE" in big, white letters, high-waisted, acid washed jean shorts, and maroon Vans. My medium-length, blonde and purple hair was in a messy bun. I ran down the stairs to the door to open it to two girls; one of them being Makayla.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind that I brought my friend, Maia, with me." Makayla said

"Hi, I'm Maia." She said as she stretched out her hand which I took as a greeting along with a smile.

"I'm Tori. Are you apart of the fam by any chance?"

"Duh! Calum Hood is bae. Who's your favorite?"

"Michael, which reminds me..."

I took out my phone and opened the Twitter app. I had almost forgot to tweet Michael a "Happy Bday" tweet, even if he won't see it.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you are having an amazing b-day, Mikey! I know we will:) @Michael5SOS

I, then, took a pic of me, and the girls to add to the tweet, then, posted it.

Makayla had gotten us an Uber driver so we wouldn't have to worry about a designated driver due to heavy drinking.

Once we had gotten inside the doors of the club, we went straight to the bar. Not only was there drunk people, but there was a lot of sweaty bodies. Makayla ordered us all one shot for a toast.

"Here's to Michael Clifford and the band for making us sane in life!"

Once she said that we all brought our shot glasses together with a *clink* sound and we downed rhe shots.

"Woooo!" We all said.

"Come on, guys, let's go dance!" Makayla said. Maia agreed, but I decided to stay at the bar.

"No, guys, I'll stay here. I have to drink a little more to let loose."

"Alright!" They yelled over the music in unison then laughed at the moment.

They left to the dance floor whole I sat at the bar, opening my mouth about to order another shot when someone else spoke for me.
Mikey's P.O.V

Being home for my birthday is amazing. The mates had brought me to the club called the Lights to have fun and find what I've been missing; alcohol. I sat at the bar while Calum, Luke, and Ashton was out there trying to dance with some girls. All of the sudden, something caught my eye. A girl. Not just any girl though. She was with her friends and she was stunning.

No, Michael. You can't fall for her she'll see who you really are a.k.a. a complete as-

"Mate, what's up? Is there something wrong?" Calum asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"No! Everything is fine. Go back out and dance. I'll be there in a bit."


The girls made a toast to something but I couldn't hear over the music. The two girls she was with then went to the dance floor, leaving her at the bar. She was about to order another shot, I could tell.

Michael! Now's your chance!

    I went over and ordered the shot for her. She looked up at me then her blue – gray eyes became wide with tears watching over them and down her cheeks in a matter of time.

"Michael Gordon Clifford."
Tori's P.O.V

    Oh my gosh. Michael Clifford just ordered me a shot and I just can't believe I'm in his presence.

"Michael Gordon Clifford", I said with tears of joy streaming down my face.

"Yeah that's me." He said with a smug smirk on his face.

    I dried my tears and got myself together, ordered him a shot, due to it being his birthday, of course.

"You should be the one ordering the shots over here." He said.

"No I insist. I mean, it is your birthday Mr. 20-year-old." I said grabbing the shot glass filled with booze and gave him his. Once he excepted it, we both down the shot and smiled. He then took my shot glass out of my hand and put both glasses on the bar. He then bed down to where his mouth was right next to my ear.

"How about we go dance, hmmmm?" He whispered.

    I shivered at his voice and his mouth so close. It was like I was in the fanfic I was reading back in my hometown. All I could do was nod.

    He extended his hand for me to grab. Once I latched my hand onto his, he led me to the group of sweaty bodies. Once we got to the middle of the group I had no idea what to do. How do I dance with the Michael Clifford!?!?

"W – what do I do? I don't dance." I said out of nervousness.

"Just follow my lead. I got ya." He whispered right next to my ear. He then grabbed my hips with gentle force and brought my back closer to him. I moved my hips to the beat and to the movements of his hands. I brought my arms around his neck, letting my hands play with the hairs at the bottom of his scalp. He turned me around to face him, our faces only inches apart. I saw my friends at the corner of my eye, heading for the door.

"I gotta go." I said.

"What? But I don't want you to go", he said,"here, let me see your phone for a sec."

    I gave him my phone. He typed some stuff in my phone, Ben, gave it back. He leaned in and whispered in my ear once more.

"Tori is such a beautiful name."

    Then he was gone and so was I.

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