Chapter 3

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*next day at 10:05 am*
Tori's P.O.V

I woke up with a tiny headache, remembering all that happened last night. I met Michael Clifford. I danced with Michael Clifford. I drank with Michael Clifford. I. Almost. Kissed. Michael. Clifford! I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone going off. It was a text from an unknown number.

??? - Last night was fun;) we should dance more often

Michael just texted me. Oh my Lord I got my composure together and texted him back.

Me - yes we should;)

Mikey - how long are you staying in Australia? BTW I love your American accent:)

Me - well I just moved here like two days ago so I'll be here for a while and thanks but I would rather have an Australian accent:)

Mikey - I hope I get to see you more often;) how about we meet again today at Starbucks in Sydney around... 1?

Me - sure can't wait;)

Mikey - mean neither;)

I went ahead and did my usual morning routine. I decided to wear a green, blue, and white, loose flannel with a white Cami underneath, black ripped jeans which were only ripped at the knees, black vans, and to add along with my apparel, a white beanie. I decided to straighten my hair before I went out. I went downstairs to find my parents fighting, again! I guess last night didn't help their relationship at all. I feel like I'm in the song broken home by, of course, 5SOS. I walked out of my house and going to my 2015 Jeep Wrangler, which is my car from America. My parents' And my car's came in early this morning, I'm guessing because they weren't there yesterday. I started the car and plug my phone into the A/UX cord. I blasted 5SOS and other various artist through the speakers. I left my house around 10:45 because I wanted to go shopping a little around the area. I have my GPS so there is nothing to worry about.

I parked in the parking lot of Target, which is near Starbucks, surprisingly. I got out of my car and walked into Target. I walked to the music section to check out any CD's that I don't have.

That was until I heard a woman having trouble with her son... or her little brother? I looked to see a girl who looked about my age. A little boy was running around and he accidentally knocked something down. She looked really stressed so I hurried over to help. I picked up the item and put it back on the shelf it was on.

"Thank you." She said out of breath.

"No prblem. So if you don't mind me asking, is this your-"

"Son. Yes, it is." She said with a shameful look on her face.

"Well he's adorable. Don't worry I'm not like 'other' people." I said to reassure her. She smiled.

"Oh, I'm Lyndsey by the way-"

"I'm Colton!" The little boy said with a thick Australian accent.

"I'm Tori. How old are you?"

"I'm this many." He said holding up three fingers.

"That's cool." I said.

I looked at my phone to check the time. 11:15. I have less than two hours. Ugh.

"I guessing you have plans today?b she asked.

"Yea. At 1"

"If you want to kill time, you hang out with Colton and me?" She asked.

"PLEASSSSEE!" Colton asked.

"Well sure I just have get back to Starbucks near here by 1."


"Here's my number. If you need anything call me, k?"

"Thanks. It's nice to hear another American voice." I said to Lyndsey. I got out of the car and went to say goodbye to Colton when Lyndsey gasped. I looked at her as she looked at something or someone. I looked in the direction she was looking in and saw it was Michael. Mikey saw me and smiled. He then saw Lyndsey and started walking towards the car.

"Lyndsey?" He said as he was approaching the car.

"I've gotta go, Tori. Bye." She said in a hurry and with a snap of my fingers she was gone. Michael had a shocked expression on his face and so did I. How does he know Lyndse?

I must have been thinking out loud because I heard Michael say something.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Ashton dated her before the band became famou, but when we got noticed and did become famous, he dump- I mean broke up with her." There was a silence before he spoke again.

"We haven't seen her since." He said starring into the distance. He then turned to me with a confused look on his face.

"How do you know her?"


"Are you guys gonna stand out there all day or come inside?!" An employee yelled. We looked at each other and laughed as we approached the building.

We went inside and ordered our drinks. I was going to pay when Mikey did it for me. He keeps beating me to something. Oh well. We got our drinks and sat in a booth across from each other. I told him how I met Lyndsey at Target and I mentioned her son, Colton. That was when I got interrupted by Mikey.

"Wait, she has a SON!?!" Mikey asked, almost spitting out his drink.

"Uh yea... he's 3." I said sipping on my frappé in confusion.

"Oh god... it's been three years since Ashton dated Lyndsey... did the boy sound or looked like Ashton?"

"Well he had a thick Australian accent and a mop of curly hair."

"Wow ok..." He said in full in shock.

"Are you gonna tell Ashton about his son?"

"No... I'll leave it up to Lyndsey to tell him." Mikey said.

We talked for the rest of the time we were there. He held my hand across the table and starred into my eyes when I was going on about my life back home in America. He kept looking into my eyes then down at my lips then back up to my eyes. He made it a routine until I looked down at our hands interlocked with one another's and blushed. He brought one of his hands and cupped my cheek. I looked back up to look at him. He leaned in just as I did as I fluttered my eyes closed.

Just as we got as close as possible before actual touching, my phone rang. It was Lyndsey. As we pulled away I saw Michael looked frustrated as he clenched his jaw. I answered the phone with a 'Hello?'. All I heard was a panicking woman, screaming for Colton...

"Lyndsey, what's wrong?!"

"TORI! WE GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT AND WE ARE AT THE HOSPITAL IN SYDNEY! COLTON ISN'T RESPONDING AND HE IS IN CRITICAL CONDITION! CAN YOU AND MIKEY COME HERE, PLEASE!?" Lyndsey cried into the phone. I started to tear up at the thought of a little boy in a coffin not being able to know who his father was.

"Yea we'll be there in a few."

"Ok." She said then hung up.

"What?" Michael said with concern in his voice.

"It's Colton... he's in the hospital. We need to go. Now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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