Before You Exit Preference

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He gives you the silent treatment




You and Riley rarely fought. When you did, it was over something really stupid.

And in this case, it was.

But when you did fight, you never really yelled at each other.
It was more of an, "ignore eachother until someone is craving cuddles" kind of deal.

And in this case, it was.

You had gotten home very late at night, the lights in you and Riley's house all turned off.

Othet than the faint glow that came out of your bedroom not to far down the hall.

"I'm home, Ri!" You called as you kicked your shoes off, trotting into your shared bedroom.

Riley was sitting on the bed, he scrolling through TV channels.

"I'm home, Riles." You repeated, collapsing next to him on the bed. "What's up?"

He perked a brow at you, groaning before putting his focus back on the TV.

"Wow." You muttered, a little taken back by his attitude. "Nice to see you too."

He ignored you.

Starting to get a bit irritated with him, you flicked his wrist.

"Hey, what was that for?" He grumbled, pulling his hand away.

"Why are you ignoring me?" You asked.

"I'm not ignoring you. I'm just not talking to you." Riley growled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"So you're ignoring me." You rolled your eyes. "What did I do?"

"You did a lot, actually!" Your boyfriend exclaimed, putting his full attention on you now.
"To start off, you're absolutely horrible at texting back."

"My phones dead..." You began.

"You're phones dead! Wow, really? Hm, I would think that my girlfriend who is going to a party with her friends, where there is probably loads of guys, would charge her phone!" He snapped. "Unless you were planning on cheating on me while you were there? Is that why you're phone isn't charged?"

"Riley, calm down!" You exclaimed. "Why would you think so stupidly like that? Why would you possibly think that I would cheat on you?"

Riley's face seemed to soften up before he sighed. "I don't know. I just-- I don't know."

You cupped his face. "I would never cheat on you, Riley. Never."

His hazel eyes searched your own, and the two of you sat in silence for a few seconds before he leaned forward and pressed his lips onto yours.




When Connor gave you the silent treatment, it really was your fault, sad to say.

You were in a bad mood at the time, and when your loving boyfriend came home, you may of accidentally snapped at him.

"Hey babe." Connor said sweetly as you continued to sit at your desk, not saying anything in return. You jumped when you felt him kiss the top of your head, the sudden kiss being a surprise to you.

"What're ya' doin'?" The blonde asked, curling your hair around his fingers.

You and Connor had just recently moved into this apartment with each other. And, in all honesty you were just stressed by all of it still.

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