Toby McDonough Imagine

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I adore you

"(Y/N)...?" Toby groaned, stretching across the couch, moving to where his head was on your lap.

Today was lazy day, really. Well, it was until the two of you decided on what you were going to do for today.

This was usually how your days with Toby went, actually. You'd wake up and do nothing for half of the day, then finally go out and do something.

Toby has been off from tour, and he has spent the whole week with you as soon as he landed back in the place you both lived.

You gazed down at silly Toby who was still resting in your lap.

He had no product in his hair at the moment, considering you had just woken up a few hours ago, and both of you hadn't decided what you wanted to do today.

With no product, his hair was flattened to his forehead.

You ran your hands through it as Toby groaned again, trying to swat your hands away gently from his hair.

"You always do that, you know?" He chuckled.

"What?" You questioned.

"Play with my hair like that." He chuckled again.

"Well, yeah, of course. It's so soft. And you look cute when it covers your forehead." You told him, smirking.

He ran his own hands through his dark hair. "Oh, so you don't like it when I have my hair up, then?"

"I never said that." You murmured, watching as he sat up.

Toby moved closer to you, slouching back into the couch. His fingertips made their way to the ends of your hair, and he tugged gently, then ran a quick hand through it, messing it all up.

"Toby!" You gasped, giggling.

"Oop, sorry. My hand slipped." He made up an excuse.

"You're suck a dork." You said, rolling your eyes.

Toby pulled you into his lap, locking his fingers with your own.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course," You blurted instantly. "Anything."

"Well, (Y/N)," Toby began, gently squeezing your hand as he looked at you.

"I love you. Alot. Your beautiful, long hair, your pretty, bright eyes, your sense of style, your humor, your smile, your lips," Toby pecked them. "And I even love when you play with my hair." Toby stopped for a second, then went on. "Your personality is outstanding, in a good way, of course, and the way you can so easily make me smile its amazing." Toby let out a short breath.

"I adore you." He finished.

You smiled, at him, having no words.

"That was pretty unexpected, Tob." You giggled, resting your head on his shoulder, relaxing.

"I know," Toby murmured. "But I feel the need to constantly remind you about how much I actually love you."

He leaned away, looking at you strictly.

"And don't forget it." He added.

"Oh, how could I?" You questioned, leaning your head back on his shoulder as he relaxed once more. Your lips pecked his cheekbone.

"I love you, Toby."

"I adore you, (Y/N)."

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