Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

She’d made it a week. A whole week. She’d sat silently in his classes and didn’t participate much to the glee of her classmates. As soon as Harrison dismissed them she was the first to leave so he couldn’t possibly stop her to ask about … her. She’d made it a week.

Of course, she couldn’t count on Harrison to avoid her.

The chilly February afternoon caused her to wrap her coat around herself tightly as she exited the carriage, clutching the bag that contained her male attire. Ever since her attack she’d made sure that she always left enough time for it to be daylight when she left the university, and James had since met her at the carriage to escort her home per her father’s chaperone rules.

Little J scanned the people going about their daily business, looking for James. She spotted him leaning against a small building. Her face fell when she realised that Sarah was with him. Even if his intentions weren’t serious with her, she still couldn’t stand her presence.

As she started over towards them she heard her name called out by the same voice that had been talking about the liver for the past two hours.

“Lady Little J,” he called.

Little J froze where she stood. It couldn’t be happening. Not when James was so close. Not when her graduation is so close.

Little J watched as James noticed her and began to make his way over to her, with Sarah on his arm. She shook her head subtly praying that James would notice and take it as an instruction to find something else to occupy his time while she got rid of Harrison.

Turning around, she saw Harrison walking confidently toward her. He wore a wide smile on his face that only continued to grow as he neared her. Little J couldn’t have been more happy to see him, which only made her curse herself. Stealing a glance at her brother, he noticed how he was suddenly walking in the opposite direction, leading Sarah towards the park. Little J wasn’t worried about Sarah noticing anything, she was too self-absorbed.

“Doctor Gray, this is a surprise,” Little J said sweetly, smiling at Harrison as he met her in the middle of the square. Lord, why did he have to be so handsome? His light brown hair was blowing into his eyes in the wind which only made him look more rugged. Why could she not have met him at one of her parents’ balls or something?

“I hope it is a pleasant one, milady,” he replied, offering her his arm.

“It is,” she nodded, accepting his arm. The advice that Kitty had given her was slowly escaping her mind.

“May I take your bag?” he asked.

“No,” she replied quickly. “It is alright, I can manage it.” Her grip on the bag containing her disguise became tighter.

“Then at least let me escort you home, I don’t like the thought of you being out here alone after everything that has happened.” He started towards the direction of Ethridge Manor but Little J stopped him.

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