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Beca POV
We are all looking at the old Bella's photos.
"Man, the old Bella's were hot." Cynthia Rose says.
"Yeah, they kept it tight." Amy said, not really agreeing.
"Okay!" Aubrey says and claps. "Sopranos in the front and altos in the back." We all move back to our seats. "As you can see, Cory is not here. Last night she was treble boned. She has been disinvited from the Bellas." Seriously?
"That oath was serious?" I ask, thinking how absurd that is. Aubrey stared at me with a serious face.
"Dixy chick serious." Oh really? "You can fool around with whoever you want, just not a Treble."
"That's not going to be easy, he's a hunter." Stacie says, indicating her privates.
"You call it a dude?" I say, incredulous. Stacie lifts her eyebrows and nod.
"Stacie," Aubrey says seriously, "the Trebles do not respect us. If we let them penetrate us, we are giving them power." Everyone moves uncomfortably.
"Not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate." Fat Amy says, looking a little traumatised. Aubrey moves to the side of the group, ignoring Fat Amy.
"So, does anyone have anything to confess?" She says, looking around. I look around too, Aubrey obviously knows something. There was a long silence and I noticed a girl who's name I've forgotten shifting uncomfortably and looking really guilty. Aubrey's gaze stops at her.
"It was an accident...I..uh."
"Hand in you're scarf and go." Aubrey says holding out her hand.
"Bu.." The girl looks shocked. Was this really happening? She hesitantly give Aubrey her scarf. Aubrey makes a getting up movement with her hands.
"*cough* slut." Says Fat Amy.
"Take your chair." The girl grabs the back stand starts to slowly drag it away. I think it was uncomfortable for everyone. She slowly gets faster and ends up running away crying.
"Was that necessary?" I ask, disbelievingly. 
"This is war Beca and it's my job to my sure my troupes have three kick ass songs, sung and choreographed to perfection," oh wow... "and if you have a problem with the way I run the Bellas then you should just.." She stops and starts gulping. She turns around. Trying to hold back a puke or something.
"Don't stress Aubrey, relax. We don't want a repeat from last year." Chloe whispers loudly to Aubrey. The quiet girl puts up her hand and says something inaudible.
"I'm sorry, what are you saying?" Chloe asks politely. We still don't hear her. Everyone looks around, trying to see if anyone else heard what she said. She pulls out her iPad and clicks on YouTube. We watch a video. And, oh my god, Aubrey is puking everywhere.
"Enough!" Aubrey says and claps to get our attention. "It happened, it's over. We will practice two hours everyday for at least seven days a week." She does realise she could've just said we practice every two hours a day, right? "And I expect you to add your own cardio."
"Why cardio?" I ask and stop grinning.
"Oh, yeah. Don't put me down for cardio." Amy says with her hand up...again.
"Okay, moving on. This is a list of all the songs we have ever performed and you will notice that we only do songs made famous by women."
"There's nothing from this century." I say in a flat voice.
"Because we don't stray from tradition." Aubrey says in a matter of fact way. I raise both eyebrows at her tone.
"Now, this is how we will become champions." Aubrey says excitedly. She turns over the white board, revealing a massive mind map that ends in 'Victory!'. First we start out with noises which was really weird at first. Then we went running up and down the stairs, Aubrey yelling encouragement. It was really funny because Aubrey caught Amy 'horizontal running.'
"Amy! What are you doing?"
"I'm doing horizontal running."
"Horizontal running?"
Then we went on to high heels. It was pretty easy, I hardly tripped but I can't say that for the other girls. We then went onto the choreograph. It was..different. I forgot what to do after the square and Chloe came up behind me. She held my arms and went through the steps despite my protest. She was in my bubble, again. Even if she did feel good. We basically ended there after we had a whole group practice.
"Okay! I'm calling it." Aubrey says, rubbing her face.
"Hey, Aubrey did we just learn the same choreography from that video?" I ask.
"Don't forget to pick up your performance schedule. We have a gig next week. That right, next..week." Of course, she ignores me.
"Sweet!" Fat Amy says, sounding excited as always. We all stand in a circle.
"Alright, hand in everybody." We all kind of just look at her. "Hand in aca-bitches." We shove our hands in. "Sing ah."
"Ahhhhhhh." Fat Amy sings.
"No, no it's actually on three."
"Ah." Amy says, a little embarrassed. I smile at her.
"1, 2." Aubrey and Chloe sing while the rest of us says 3. It all ends in a mess.
"Okay," says Aubrey, rubbing her face, "we'll start with that first thing next time." We all start to leave. "Oh, Beca? A word?" I turn around.
"What's up?"
"You know you'll need to take those ear monstrosities out for the performance?"
"You really don't like me, do,you?" I say, getting straight to the point.
"I don't like your attitude."
"You don't even know me."
"I know you have a toner, for Jesse." What?!
"A what?"
"A toner, a musical boner. I saw it at hood night," she looks down, "it's distracting."
"Yeah, that's not a thing and you're not the boss of me so.."
"You took an oath." Aubrey says, getting a little angry.
"That oath cost you two girls today. I think you need me more then I need you." I turn around and start to walk away.
"I can see your toner through those jeans." Aubrey yells after me.
"That's my dick." I say with a fake smile. I leave and head straight to my dorm. I need music or I'm going to explode.

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