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Chloe POV
I was sitting on a bench beside my dorm block when I saw Beca walk out. So she was in this dorm block.
"Hey, Beca!" I yell to her and she kind of freezes on the spot. She turns around slowly.
"Oh, hey, Chlo." I pick up my hot chocolate and walk over to her, loving how she says Chlo.
"Where you heading?" I ask nonchalantly, pretending I didn't remember her lie. Her shoulders relax a little.
"I'm gonna go grab a coffee." She says with a smile. It was fake but it could've fooled me.
"Do you mind if I come with?" I say, trying to sound casual. She shrugs her shoulders.
"Sure, why not?" She starts walking and I follow her.
"So, excited about the regionals?" I ask enthusiastically, they were tomorrow. She just shrugs her shoulders again.
"You could say that." She answers. Wow, boring, uninterested Beca. I was determined to make her smile. I nudge her shoulder.
"Oh, come on! Not even the tiniest bit?" She raises her eyebrow and looks at me. As soon as she makes eye contact with me it feels like I'm getting sucked into those dark orbs.
"I didn't say I wasn't." She says as she finally looks away. I blink a few times, trying to focus.
"But you didn't say you were." I say with a smile. She just rolls her eyes. We walk in silence for a little while.
"So has Aubrey relented?" Beca surprised me by asking.
"Relented on what?" I ask, confused.
"Changing up the songs?" She asks. I shake my head sadly.
"I didn't think so." She says with a sigh. "We're never gonna win with that song, you know."
"Why not?" I ask, curious by her reasoning.
"It's tired. If we use newer songs we could at least get their attention." Beca says.
"I think Aubrey would be lost if we changed the song." I say thoughtfully. Beca doesn't reply. "What? Nothing to say about my best friend?" I ask teasingly. "You sure did have a lot to say after the riff off."
"Nope, just that you have terrible taste in friends." She says, the corner of her lips lifting.
"You're my friend. Are you not a good one?" I ask, still teasing. She looks at me again and raises an eyebrow.
"We're friends? I don't remember this happening." She says, still suppressing a smirk. I bump her shoulder.
"Yeah, we're getting coffee together, I'd call that a friendship." I say grinning.
"You already have one." She points out. I shake my head.
"This, my friend, is hot chocolate not coffee." I say and she smiles.
"You're gonna get coffee when you have a hot chocolate?" She asks with a smirk. I gulp down the rest of my hot chocolate and chuck the cup in the bin.
"What hot chocolate?" I ask with an innocent, bewildered look. She rolls her eyes but still smiles.
"Whatever." She says and holds the door open for me. We order our coffee and sit down.
"So, you make songs?" I ask curiously. She shakes her head with a smile.
"No, mixes. They are usually two songs mixed together. If I explain it any further it'll get too technical."  A lady comes over with our coffees.
"Thank you." I say and take a sip. Beca smiles with amusement when I let out a yelp. "My tongue!"
"Hot, isn't?" She says with a smirk.
"Jerk, you knew." I say accusingly. She nods.
"I've been here before." She blows on her coffee before taking a sip.
"Mmmm, perfect." She says, still smirking. I throw my sugar at her but she dodges it. Just then someone walks in the door and Beca looks up. "Oh, no." She says and groans.
"What? Who is it?" I say, looking around.
"It's Jesse."
"You two aren't a thing, right? Aubrey's just waiting for an excuse to kick your butt out of the Bellas." She rolls her eyes.
"If I'm going out with someone do you think I would groan as soon as I see them?" She asks.
"Beca!" We hear Jesse yell from the entrance as he walks over. We both turn to him.
"Hey, Jesse." I say with a smile. I'm friendly with everybody, even if they are trying to get my girlfriend. No, Chloe! She's not your girlfriend! Well, at least not yet.
"Chloe, right?" He asks and I nod.
"Hey, Jesse." Beca says without much expression. It doesn't seem to faze him.
"Hey, Beca. Wanna come over later? Sort some things out?" He asks. Beca looks at me with a pleading in her eyes.
"Actually," I say, thinking on the spot. "I'm having a sleep over with Beca but we can cancel if you want?" His face falls.
"No, no, it's okay. Maybe another time?" He asks. Beca just shrugs. He goes over to the counter to order something. Beca breathes a sigh of relief.
"Thanks." She says.
"No problem. What are friends for?" I say with a teasing grin.
"I'm still not sure that we are friends." She says with a smirk.
"Oh, come on! I just saved you, I lied for you. I never lie." I say, folding my arms.
"But you just did." She says with a smirk. I roll my eyes.
"Only on important occasions." She lifts an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. We finish our coffees and get up to leave. As we leave the door I stop her.
"I actually have to meet Aubrey, so talk to you later?" I ask, sad that I have to go.
"Yeah, whatever. Oh, and thanks for the save." I smile at her.
"Anytime." I say. She walks down the street. I watch her for a bit but a text from Aubrey stops me.
Aubrey: Where are you?!?
Chloe: Sorry, got caught up. Be there soon.
I put my phone away and walk in the opposite direction that Beca went. Grinning, glad I got just that little bit closer to Beca.
I knock on Aubrey's door.
"Finally! How long does it take!" She says and drags me inside.
"I ran into Beca." I say and plop myself on her bed.
"So you do have a thing for her?" Aubrey asks. I'm not sure what she thinks about this but I don't much care.
"No! We are just friends! Why can't you accept that?" I say.
"Because it's not true." She goes and grabs an apple. I huff. "It just had to be the alt girl? Over all those other girls, like... Stacie?" I give her a surprised look and she instantly blushes a deep red.
"What? Does Aubrey Posen like a girl? She's never strayed from the straight path before." I give her a teasing smile.
"! O..of course not! She's just..just.." Aubrey stutters.
"Hot?" I say with a laugh.
"No! Oh my god, Chloe! Stop!" Aubrey splutters.
"Why? Because your embarrassed? Or because you like a chick?" I laugh again.
"Chloe!" Aubrey yells and throws a pillow at me. I catch it. "At least she's not an alt girl." Aubrey retorts.
"Ah, at least Beca isn't a sex machine." She sits down.
"I can't believe you left me. I'm all lonely in my dorm now." I say with puppy dog eyes.
"It's been what? A day?" Aubrey says, exasperated,
"A day and half!" I say.
"Chloe, you will live." Aubrey says and rolls her eyes.
"Not very well." I say with puppy dog eyes again. I was surprised that Aubrey wasn't freaking out about tomorrow. I guess the whole thing about Beca and Stacie took her mind off it. I cross my legs and lean forward.
"So..Stacie? What do you like about her?" I say and wiggle an eyebrow.
"What do you like about Beca?" Aubrey retorts.
"She's just a friend." I grumble.
"So is Stacie." Aubrey replies.
"Really? You guys never talk." I say with a smile. Aubrey grumbles something unintelligible.
"I hate it when she makes out with other guys." Aubrey says in a totally defeated voice.
"Just talk to her, Aubrey."
"I'm not like you, Chloe! I mean... I don't like her, Chlo!" I roll my eyes.
"Right, Aubrey."
"I don't know how." I only just manage to hear her.
"What?" I say completely shocked. Aubrey groans.
"It's not like you'll know anyway. Stacie's completely different from that alt girl you like." Aubrey says. I frown.
"She's into sex, so just get yourself noticed and give her a reason to stay." I suggested.
"Hmm." Aubrey says. She smirks. "Need some help with alt girl?" I groan.
"No, because we are just friends."
"You'll have to admit it some day." Aubrey says.
"There's nothing to admit." I grumble.
"We'll see." Aubrey says with a knowing smile.
"Was there a reason you wanted me over?" I ask, half embarrassed and half angry.
"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. It was actually about the alt girl." Aubrey says and I scowl at her.
"What about her?"
"She needs to stop bugging me about changing the song and choreography." Aubrey says in an annoyed voice. I frown at her.
"Well, maybe she's right." I say in a reasoning tone.
"Oh, not you too! First alt girl, then Fat Amy and now you?" She asks angrily.
"Fat Amy?" I ask, confused. Well they are best friends so..
"Yeah, she suggested it but was cool about it. Well, trying to be." Aubrey says. With that sort of cleared up I asked,
"Can you please call her by her name?" Aubrey looks uninterested.
"Alt girl suits her better." She replies.
"At least to her face?" I plead. Aubrey rolls her eyes.
"Fine." Trying to direct the conversation away from a fight I ask,
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Yeah, okay."
"Which one do you wanna watch?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders.
"Any of them." I pick my favourite. "That one again?" Aubrey groans.
"You said any!" I say with a laugh. We get comfortable as it starts to play. I could say this line for line so instead of watching it I think of Beca. She let me in today, not much but more then normal. I wonder what's going on with her and Jesse. She seems to be avoiding him. I don't think he hurt her, it didn't seem like that but there is a problem. I'm sure of it. Maybe they'll work things out, maybe not. I hope they do...but not so they get together. I smile at the thought.
"Chloe! Do you have to be thinking about Beca? I mean seriously! I've been your friend longer." I look at Aubrey, startled.
"What?" I ask, confused. She rolls her eyes.
"You had that look in your eye. It creeps me out that your eyes twinkle for her." She says. I throw a pillow at her.
"I do not!" She laughs.
"There's no denying it." I huff angrily and turn my attention to the movie. "Just don't go making sex with her, okay? I really don't need anymore drama in the Bellas and if there is a break up, that is a lot of drama." My jaw drops at what Aubrey says but my cheeks instantly heat up.
"!" I finally stutter out.
"Aw, look. Chloe's flustered." Aubrey says with a laugh. My cheeks grow even warmer.
"That's not okay! I haven't even thought about that!" I yell, still shocked she would say something like that.
"Oh, really?" Aubrey says, not believing me.
"Yes! I don't even like her like that!" I say, half yelling. Aubrey smirks.
"Sure," she says, "sure."

I am soooooooo sorry about not uploading for so long!! Bringing you a longer chapter and will have more up soon!! Internet has given up so they be a few in a row. I will have more up soon!!!

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