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Edit: Omg like, I really didn't enjoy how I started this book I'm trying to edit it when in reality I just want to unpublish this shit as soon as possible. But for the couple of readers that actually enjoy this - I will try harder. Xoxo.


My arms ached as well as my entire bloody core. Night had approached pretty quickly and tiny snowflakes began hitting my numbed cheeks - by the time I found a decent looking hotel, my lips were probably blue and the tip of my nose cherry red.

"“ you go Miss, room 14.” The receptionist said me with a kind smile, handing me the keys. I managed a tiny smile back, trying to not look shocked by the price for just one night. And this was the cheapest hotel I could find around this city.

I pull along my heavy suitcases up the dirty marble steps, my mind racing with different possibilities and another ways but sneaking into a boys boarding school unusually felt like the only available solution at the moment.

I mean, who would even be fooled by that? This stuff only works in dumb movies and let alone in real life. I’d surely get caught before I even got a glimpse of the inside.

I muffled a groan of frustration, fumbling the metal keys around in the key hole before entering the hotel room I rented. Thankfully they were kind enough to turn on the heating so the room was warm and cosy.

I slammed the door behind me lazily, throwing my shoes aside along with the suitcases and heaved my tired body onto the brown sofa that was in the living room. I was too exhausted to even look around the bloody room I rented with most of my savings.

“What am I going to do...” I whine to myself, curling up into a ball and closed my eyes tightly in hope of falling asleep and wake up to see that this was all a bad dream. A sudden vibrating effect, made me jolt up.

I flickered my eyes over to the brightly lit of my cellphone to see Dad’s name plastered there. My heart skipped two beats at this, all previous traces of sleepiness vanishing immediately.

I inhaled deeply and held the phone up to my ear with a fake smile, “Hey Dad!” I cheerfully greet, running my fingers through my tangles mass of hair when he laughed into the phone.

“Annyeong Hyuna-ah, hows everything going? Did you arrive safely? Is everyone treating you nicely?” My father bombarded me with curious questions, his voice worried. I couldn’t help but shake my head at his overprotective ways.

“Dad don’t worry, I’m completely fine and...I-I just arrived, it’s great and the people here are nice too.” I stammered with an awkward laugh, wincing at my lie.

“That’s great Hyuna. I just wanted to call to check on you, I’ll you first thing in the morning. Now go and get some sleep, you’ve got a whole day ahead of you tomorrow.” He said with a yawn, I laugh and agree before ending the call with a moan.

Little did my dad know how right he was. Tomorrow would be one heck of a day for me, I’d probably go to prison for this.

“Shit.” I whispered to myself. How on earth would this work out? I needed things and had to be fully prepared. I check the time, 19:00, too late for the accessories shop to be open maybe.

I jut out my lower lip as I jumped off the sofa, pulling on my black jacket and then open the front door making sure to lock it after me. The walk to the reception office was kind of spooky to be honest, it was all dark and very unwelcoming.

“Er, hi. I’m new here and I just wanted to know if there’s any local shops open now?” I ask with a timid smile, gulping nervously since the kind lady at the desk was now gone and replaced by the night shift. An obese man with a long beard.

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