Guard your modesty

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Man: Can I ask you a question, Aisha?

Muslim woman: Sure, no problem.

Man: Why does a Muslim woman has cover their body? Please, don't get offended.

Muslim woman: take a look at these two candies. *she took two candies from her pocket. One of the candies is uncovered, while the other one is perfectly covered with a plastic wrapper. She showed both of the candies to the man.

Man: I don't...understand

Muslim woman: Now, which one would you choose to eat?

Man: I choose the blue one, with the wrapper.

Muslim woman: Now tell me, why didn't you choose the uncovered one?

Man: It might be dirty. That's why I chose the blue one.

Muslim woman: That's why Muslims need to cover the whole body (except the face and the palms). A woman has to cover her body because it is a sign of dignity, and purity. Plus, a woman with hijab is less likely to be harassed, and exploited for her beauty. She is less likely to be exploited for her beauty and feminity.

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