Preparations Complete

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"Master, since you're one of the main characters now, I can be the director."

"You can't"

"But why?"

"I don't trust your thought pattern."

It's tempting to share the responsibility, but who knows what he would make me and Eve do?

"I wouldn't make you do something stupid, I promise."

"See? That's exactly what someone who would make us do stupid things would say."

Only me and Jonny were at the meeting place. We all decided to meet up at Coffee Hour House, but the girls were late. We wanted to borrow some equipments from school, so we went there first before we started shooting.

"What's taking them so long?" I whispered to myself.

"San and Hina said that they would stop by Ms. Eve's house before they come here," Jonny replied.

"You didn't plan anything weird, did you?" I asked while striking him a sharp gaze.

"No no no, Master. We didn't plan anything today."

"Hmm. I want to trust that, but I can't."

Just as we were talking, the Eve and the others arrived. Eve looked amazing as usual.

"Captain! We're here!" San shouted.

"Sshhh! Keep it down," I immediately reacted. "Why are you late?"

"Sorry sensei, Eve-chan was baking some cookies, but she wasn't finished yet, so we waited for it with her," Hina replied.

"I'm sorry Kyle," Eve butted in bowing her head.

"No no, it's okay. We weren't waiting long anyways," I lied. The truth was, I was there even before Jonny arrived. Seriously, I was too excited.

"Really? Well, we were still late. As apologies, you can take these cookies," Eve said as her mood brightened.

"I didn't know you could bake."

"Well, there's a lot you need to know about me then. For the, uhm, chemistry thing, you know."

She made me speechless yet again. I really can't respond to that. I don't know if she did that on purpose or what.

"Yeah. Hehe. Uhm, yeah. Hehe."

Man I'm weak when it comes to comebacks.

"Anyways. I think someone else needs to direct Kyle. If you're one of the protagonists, then it would be hard to focus on two things at once."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. So who can replace you?"

I can feel someone staring so intently at me. As if he wants to be called. Man, is this one of his doings too?

"Sigh," I turned to Jonny. "You wanna do it?"

"Really, Master?" he replied, obviously sounding pretensiously. "I'm not sure if I can do a good. . "

"Alright, you don't want to do it," I butted in without letting him finish.

"No no no no no no! I can do it! I promise! I'll make it good!"

I'm seriously being manipulated here.

Later that morning, we borrowed some equipments from school and checked them out. We have to return them and check them out again every two weeks. School regulations and stuff, nothing important. We have to see Riley every now and then anyways.

"Alright, we have our schedule already. We also know our roles. Me and Eve would be the main characters, Jonny would be the director and jealous fiancee. Hina would be the camerawoman and San would do the make up and costume. Any objections?"

"None Sir!" they all said together.

Thus the preparations were completed.

We decided to go home after that, San and Hina went with Jonny to store the equipments in his house, which is also where we would shoot the film. But before they left, they gave me some advice.

Jonny : Take her to a date, Master.
San : Captain, get on second base.
Hina : Kyle-sensei, use protection.

Man, why are they so weird? They drive me crazy without even trying.

"Are you alright Kyle?" Eve asked.

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking of those three," I replied jokingly.

"You really are nice aren't you?"

"Huh? Well, not really. They always drive me crazy and I always end up scolding them."

"Well, I still think you are nice. I mean, you're sticking with them even though they do that to you."

"Well, yeah, I don't think I have a choice though. Haha."

"Haha. Oh Kyle! I almost forgot."


"Are you free for the rest of the day?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Great! Then would you please accompany me?"

To be continued. . .

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