Unexpected Challenges

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"I'm so sorry for the news, but it seems we will have to postpone the wedding. Your father and I have to fly to Brazil to help your aunt. We have called Emma's foster parents, and they have said that you could stay with them for as long as you need. Emma and Killian's wedding is still going to happen, but your father and I won't be able to attend. You are still going to be the maid of honor." Regina's mother said, seeing her daughter's and soon to be son in laws faces. They looked worried, yet she could tell they knew everything would work out alright. "I am going to call Emma. Robin, you can come with me if you want." Regina said as Robin nodded and followed her up to her room. "Okay. Just sit in the chair." Regina said, pointing to the chair in the corner when she didnt really need to. Robin obeyed, and Regina called Emma. "Hey. I guess I am going to be sleeping over for a while." Regina said, a little unhappy but she was fine. They were still going to get married, it would just be delayed a little. "I know. I am so sorry for you guys. Do you know when the wedding is going to be?" Emma asked, concerned for her friend." I think it will be almost 9 months later than the original date. But I guess that's fine. It gives us more time to be together, just not married." Regina said, and Robin stood up and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She leaned into him and put the phone on speaker. "I put you on speaker. Robin is here too by the way." Regina said, placing the phone on the dresser. She sat on the bed, then Robin sat beside her. She leaned into his warmth and felt like she was about to cry. She wanted to start a family with him immediately. She wanted to be together. Live in the same house. Grow old together. It would happen just the same, but only later. She didn't want to wait any longer. "Oh Regina. Don't cry. You'll make me cry then Killian will ask why I've been crying. I'm at his house so he would be able to hear me crying. You know how loud I cry." Emma said when she heard Regina start to cry. Regina turned and lent into Robin's shoulder to muffle her cries. "Sweetie, calm down. We will be together soon. Only 9 months. You can come over as much as you want. You can even stay the night sometimes. Just not too many times or my parents might have suspicions and I might not be able to behave myself." Robin said, pushing her away so he could see her beautiful face. She had tears down her cheeks and her mascara had started to run. "Honey, I don't know how to say this, but you look even prettier when you cry." He said, chuckling slightly and placing a chaste kiss on her forehead." Robin, don't try and flirt with me. We are already betrothed. You don't have a reason." Regina said, tucking her head in the crook of his neck. "Yes I do. The reason is that I love you." At that, Regina said,"I love you too, but I have to get a shower." She closed the door behind her as she went into the bathroom. She had forgotten Emma was still on the phone, and so Robin whispered, "Emma, are you still there?" He wanted to get Regina something, and he was planning on asking Emma what to get her." Oh. Yeah. Sorry. I was, um, just hanging out with Killian. I completely forgot the phone was on." She said, giggling at the fact that he could tell. Emma and Killian had been kissing, and Robin had heard all of it. "Yes well next time, just hang up. But I'm glad you are still on. I want to get Regina something, but I don't know what to get her. She doesn't much like jewelry, and well, I just don't know what to get her. I would love it if you would help me." He said, blushing at the fact that he didn't know what to get his fiancé. "Oh. Sure. Lets just text about it so she doesn't suspect anything." Emma said, and Robin ended the call. He headed to the bathroom across the hall to get a shower since Regina was in the one in her bedroom. He couldn't wait to have the feeling of her body next to his in the bed. He loved her so much, he would do anything for her. Neither of them could wait until they got married. As Robin stepped into the bathroom, he heard a loud thud come from Regina's room. He ran out of the bathroom and opened her bathroom door to find her lying on the shower floor unconscious.

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