Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The closer Valentine's Day came, the more I wondered how Alex felt about me. Some days I felt so sure that he liked me, then other days, I felt like he didn’t even remember my name. I was hoping against all odds that fate would smile down on me and let Alex be mine for just one day. I had this song playing in my head that I couldn't escape from. The words went like this:

I’m tugging at my hair. I’m pulling on my clothes.

I’m trying to keep my cool. I know it shows.

I’m staring at my feet. My cheeks are turning red.

I’m searching for the words inside my head.

I’m feeling nervous, trying to be so perfect.

Because I know you’re worth it, you’re worth it, ya.

I of course couldn’t sing those words in school, but I did hum them. I hummed them everywhere I went for the last few days. I didn’t even remember where I heard the song from in the first place, but it was definitely important to me now.

. . .

 Every time I opened my locker, I would have high hopes that something wonderful would be waiting. It didn't have to be big, or grand, just something for me. So far though, unfortunately, I hadn’t received a single heart-shaped card yet.

“Hey, Sofy.” Tommy said beside me. She had trouble not getting valentines. When she flung her locker door open an avalanche of hand-crafted cards came tumbling out. All the cards said from 'your secret admirer', even though I had a suspicion they were mostly from Kevin. “At least it’s not as bad as at my house.” She laughed. “Every day this week, I open my front door and see boxes of candy, stuffed animals, and flowers all over the place! It's crazy! Plus, I’m running out of garbage bags for all the junk! But the chocolate is alright.” She pulled a box of chocolates down from the top shelf of her locker. “Want some?”

 “No thanks.” I replied. I didn’t feel right eating candy that her crushes left for her.

 “Look at this!” Lidia yelled from down the hall. She came running up to us with an armful of flowers and a big smile. “Every day, for the last eleven days, Darrin has given me a rose! I wonder what he will get me tomorrow on the big day!”

She jumped up and down with her bouquet of red roses. Most of the flowers were already dead because she kept forgetting to put them in water. I guess it was a good thing she finally remembered to bring them home today, before they all had to suffer such a fate.

 I shut my locker door with a heavy sigh. This was just another day being jealous of my friends and rethinking this whole 'getting my hopes up' idea. Where were my secret admirers? Where were my cards and candy? I didn't even receive a hello from a guy the last few days! They were too busy chasing after other girls. I hoped things would get better soon. I felt so left out...

. . .

Valentine's Day was tomorrow, and I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Lidia kept telling me tomorrow would be the day my dreams come true, but I was still afraid I was only fooling myself. My mom wasn’t really in a good mood, and I knew why. She wouldn’t be getting anything at all tomorrow, and I guess that would make anyone bitter.

I overheard my sisters watching Valentines Day specials in the living room when I entered the house, but those shows were never really for me. I headed up to my room and turned on my radio. I knew I was getting ahead of myself, but I began wondering if Alex did ask me out what 'our' song might be. It sounded crazy when Lidia talked about couple songs, but when I thought of Alex, it sounded right.

I flipped through the radio stations, but none of the songs sounded good enough; none of them gave the way I felt about Alex justice. What would I say if he did ask me out tomorrow? Would I stutter? Would I even be able to speak? Or would I be too nervous? All these questions ran through my mind. If he does feel the same way about me, he will ask me tomorrow, I was sure of that now. That was the only part of Lidia’s constant chatter that made any sense. After all, when was a better time to tell someone how you feel than on Valentine’s Day? That day was made just for the occasion!

“Sofya, are you doing your homework?” My mom asked from downstairs.

“Just a second.” I answered.

I turned my radio off and took my textbooks out from my backpack. I started with history then worked my way to English. I did my homework quickly then went to sleep. I wanted it to be tomorrow as soon as possible. I wanted to see what would happen. I was hoping for a miracle…

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