Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

“Come on, slowpoke, stop dragging your feet!” Tommy yelled. “If we don’t get there soon we might not get a wristband!” We were on our way to the fair, and Tommy was determined to get a wristband rather than paper tickets.

“I doubt they'll run out.” I argued as I tried to keep up. “They never have before.”

“They did too! They ran out last year, and some guy didn’t get one.”

“Oh, Tommy, that’s just a wise-tale.” I crossed the street as she waited on the curb for me.

“It is not! He was a few years younger than us or something.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Tommy can be so funny at times. “You’re so gullible.” I said catching up with her.

“I’m gullible?” Tommy laughed. “What about you? You believed Ethan saw a werewolf for years after he swore it to be true.”

“Your brother can be very convincing.” I argued while looking back on the day.

“Sad but true.” Tommy agreed. “Hey, I know what will get you moving,” she said with an evil smirk, “you might see Alex tonight. The quicker you get there the more of a chance you'll run into him.”

I walked a little faster when I thought of him. He told me his family should be there anywhere from 2pm to 7pm and I was prepared to wait around that long if it meant seeing him again. That's actually why I was walking so much slower today, I wore a pair of sandals with a slight heel, so I looked good when I saw him. Of course, I'm not used to wearing a heel of any kind, so my legs were a bit wobbly, causing me to be slower.

“I knew that would work.” Tommy mocked. The town clock tower rang loudly to announce the new hour. “Oh no! It's already two!” She gasped. “Come on, let's run!” She started running towards the line leaving me behind.

“Wait for me!” I yelled. I tried my best to run after her, but wasn't getting anywhere fast. “Stupid shoes.” I moaned. The thing's girls will do to impress a guy...

. . .

When I finally reached the line, Tommy was in the middle, so I was able to sneak through next to her. “It took you long enough!” She said as she counted her money.

“How much is a wrist band?” I fished into my pocket for my allowance, hoping it would get me through the day.

“It’s about five or six bucks,” she answered, “they change it from year to year, so I’m not sure.”

“I have eleven,” I said staring at the crumpled dollar bills sitting in my hand, “I hope it’s not a lot, because this is all I have for supper too.”

“I’m sure you can find something cheap to eat. If you can’t, I could lend you some money.”

“Really? Thanks!”

“Don’t thank me. You'll be paying me back with interest.” She said with her evil grin. Of course, Tommy never does anything nice without getting something in return.

. . .

Once we were in the fairgrounds, I was tugged around from ride to ride. Tommy said she had to go on every one at least once. It didn’t really bother me until she wanted to go on Devils Mountain, the most popular ride there.

“This line is taking forever.” I moaned. The sun was beating down on me, and I knew I wouldn't be leaving today without a sunburn.

“Of course it is! The most brutal line has the best ride!” Tommy replied, sipping on her lemonade.

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