Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

 “Sofya, are you coming?” My mom yelled up the stairs.

I was dreading going to the mall today, but then, who likes going to any store right before Christmas? I’m surprised so many people wait so long to buy gifts. I can’t think of anything worse than standing in those long brutal lines...

“Yes!” I yelled back to her. “I just have to find my boots!”

So much for Isabel's worry of not having a white Christmas! A blizzard hit last night and now the last thing anyone wants is a white anything! Too much white! It’s blinding me!

I looked around in my closet for my purple winter boots. I hated even seeing them, the sight made me think of cold feet.

“Are you almost done?” She yelled again.

“Just a second!” I found my boots behind my worn-out tennis shoes I kept forgetting to throw away. I quickly slipped them on my feet and ran down the steps.

“Here’s your coat.” My mom said, handing me my huge, fluffy, purple winter jacket. “Everyone, get in the car.” She ordered. She picked up her keys off the counter as the rest of us headed outside.

. . .

The mall was even crazier than I remembered from previous years! Most of the items on the shelves were already sold out! I had no idea where to find a good gift. I needed to buy something for Tommy and Lidia, but with the mall looking like this; I didn’t know how I would.

“Get out of the way, kid!” A man in a long black coat yelled to me.

“I'm sorry.” I replied. I stepped back only to have a woman yell at me next. I couldn’t even find a place to stand without being in someone’s way! I was pushed around so much I felt like I was in my school's hot lunch line again, and hat was a terrible thought!

Everyone was yelling, and all the noise was giving me a terrible headache. I really should have planned on what to get my friends before I came, I was no better than the rest of the people here that I complained about.

I somehow wandered over to the toy section without even noticing. I could buy them a stuffed animal I suppose; you can’t go wrong with something as cute as a stuffed bear. Besides, I only had ten dollars to spend, so I really couldn’t buy anything extraordinary anyway.

I walked to the stuffed animals only to find the very worse choices left; an octopus, seal, fish, and a donkey. Oh great, this was going to be trickier than I thought. I couldn’t think about it for too long though, because a bunch of other people behind me wanted to get stuffed animals as well. I grabbed the donkey for Tommy and the seal for Lidia. After I made my choice, I ran to the checkout as fast as I could.

. . .

I had to wait in the freezing car for my family, but anywhere would be better than the overly crowded mall. I waited and waited but still no family. I needed to find something to do. I opened the glove box to see if anything in there would save me from my boredom. All I found of use was a notebook and a bunch of pens. I ripped out a piece of paper from the notebook and searched for a working pen. When I found a good pen, I began writing a new chapter for my book; the chapter of when Snippers had to go through the worst thing on earth, a huge crowd of angry rabbits...

 In the middle of my chapter, I heard the people in the car next to ours return from shopping. I took a quick peek out the window to see if I knew them. I saw a tall woman with blonde hair, a long dress, and flat shoes. She was talking to someone, but I couldn’t see who because they were putting bags into the trunk of their car. I took my eyes off the window and began writing again, but I couldn’t concentrate; I had this eerie feeling that I knew the person parked next to us. I looked out the window again, but I still couldn’t see the other person. Finally, they flung their trunk shut, and I could see the person plain as day. It was Alex! He looked my way, so I quickly dunked down. I hoped he didn’t see me! I looked terrible! I didn’t get back up until I heard their car drive away. I was so relieved, until the back door of our car opened and Sidney noticed me in hiding.

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