Bite Me - part 2

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Harry got up bright and early the next morning. He had to lift Louis off of his chest and tuck the boy back under the covers before stepping into the bathroom to take his shower. He would be gone the whole day and maybe even longer, and he would probably be too tired to take one when he got back. So, here he was at five in the morning, standing under the hot spray.

When he got out, he expected to see Louis still sleeping soundly. Instead, he got the smell of something great under his nose and humming from the kitchen. He followed the noise once he got dressed, towel-drying his hair. Louis was standing over the stove, yawning into one hand and flipping something with the other. A steaming cup of tea was sitting on the counter, and somehow, Harry knew it was for him.

"Why aren't you still sleeping?" He asked, lifting the cup to his lips. Louis turned to him, and he wasn't at all prepared for the sight of a soft, sleepy Louis, and quite honestly, it took his breath away.

"Makin' you breakfast." Louis croaked, his voice thick with sleep. "Gotta leave early, don't you?"

"Yes, but seriously. I can feed myself." Harry protested. "You need your sleep."

Louis shook his head and cracked some eggs into a pan. "D'you want sausage and bacon?" He asked, walking over to the counter where he'd set both out. When Harry didn't answer, he picked them both up and carried them over to the pan. "Both, then."

"Louis-" Harry began, tapping his fingers against the warm ceramic of the mug.

"Harry." Louis put the bacon and the sausage in the pan and Harry listened to them sizzle. "I know you're going out today and I know you'll be gone all day. Cold and starving is what you'll be if you don't shut up and sit down."

Harry blinked at the tiny omega who just told him off, basically. Sassy Louis must be a thing in the mornings, and to be honest, he wasn't totally against it. So, he sat and watched as Louis cooked.

"All these carbs will keep you warm," Louis said as he transferred the eggs, bacon, and sausage to a plate. He slid them in the warming oven so that they wouldn't get cold, and he put a few slices of bread in the pan, sliding them through the bacon and sausage fat to fry them. "Did you know?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, I did know. But thank you." Harry said.

Louis just hummed and pulled the curtain back that was over the window of the sink. "It's still snowing, you know. Do you have the proper gear?"

"I've got a body temperature of one hundred and four. I think I'm good." Harry said.

"Frostbite doesn't care, you know." Louis muttered. "Wear gloves. And extra socks."

Harry didn't reply. He kept watching Louis make his breakfast, sliding some beans onto the plate next to the sausage and adding the fried bread to the top. He added a sliced tomato on top and sat the plate down in front of Harry with a muffled yawn.

"I know it's not much, but eat up. I'll go set out your socks and such. D'you have a scarf?" Louis asked, standing dangerously close to Harry, who nodded. "Great. Eat it all, I mean it."

Harry stared down at his plate. Louis referred to it as 'not much', but the omega had gotten out of bed at five in the morning to prepare him a full fry up. It was much. It was so much. And, it was good. So very, very good. Louis certainly had a gift, and before he knew it, he had eaten the whole plate, scraping the rest of the beans into his spoon and gulping it down with tea.

"Great!" Louis chimed from behind him, entering the kitchen holding two scarves. "Wear both?"

Harry just nodded. He couldn't even argue with Louis right now. This omega was everything. He accepted the scarves when Louis handed them to him and retreated to the bedroom to get dressed in his warmest gear. And, as per Louis' request, he doubled up on socks and tucked a pair of gloves in his jacket pocket. By the time he re-entered the kitchen, it was cleaned and Louis was sipping tea over the sink.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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