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The cold tip of the gun forcefully ground it’s way into the side of my neck.  A hand gripped around my waist threateningly.  I could feel nervous beads of perspiration coming from his arms seeping through my t-shirt.  He was nervous.  Funny considering he was the one with the gun.  Suddenly his hand moved to grip the back of my hair and tugged so that I was looking up at him.


“Beg me to live.”  He hissed in my ear.  It came out as a threat, but his eyes gave him away.  They were open wide, mimicking that of prey rather than a predator.


“Kill me,” I spat back at his face challenging him.  His grip on my hair tightened and my scalp screamed in pain, but my eyes did not waver from his.


“Beg!” he no longer hissed, but shouted in rage. “Beg me to live, beg me for that little pathetic life you have!  Beg me to keep the center of your universe, you.  You don’t give a fuck about anyone and they couldn’t give a fuck about you. In fact, they fuckin’ hate you Rosie, they fuckin’ hate your guts!”


At this point he calmed down, seeing his words were getting through to me.  Each one stung as they rolled off his tongue like he was spitting tiny knives at me, but they weren’t hurting in the way he wanted to.  He reverted back to his hissing voice.


  “They’ll probably dance at your funeral.  Ding dong the witch is dead.”  He chuckled humorlessly at his joke.  “From what I can see the only thing you have left is yourself you cold heartless bitch.  Beg for the thing you have left.  Beg.” He finished, still grasping the back of my hair staring into my eyes.  His ribs moved up and down, breathing heavily from the outburst.  Despite the pain in my chest from his words that threatened to consume me I managed choke out a reply.


“Then do the world a favor.  Make it short one less bitch.”  His face shook in rage, but the uncertainty still held in his eyes.  There was hesitation, but he spoke through it.


“You’ll be dead in seconds.  Then it won’t matter whether you wanted to die or not.”  Despite the uncertaintity I detected I heard him cock the gun.  I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.

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