Chapter Two :The Game

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“What the fuck…” he started.  I remained frozen.  My legs began to quiver as I held my crouch.  I awaited the gun shot that was surely coming my way.  I saw his grip tighten on the gun and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. 

But, at this moment he did what I would least expect, he laughed.  He threw back his head and let out a hearty roar.  My eyes widened in surprise, he was clearly unstable to be laughing in this situation. Though I should have been relieved he hadn’t shot the gun off instead I felt a sense of dread forming in the pit of my stomach.  The laugh was harsh, and a little off-pitch. 

At this point a small whimper escaped my lips, and his laughter ended as abrubtly as it had started.  It was unnatural.

“So I see I had a little spy…” His eyes bored into mine and unable to hold his gaze I looked down.  He took six short steps closing the space between us suddenly grabbing my chin in his hands, forcing my gaze upon his.  “You do know what happens to spies when they’re caught, don’t you little girl?” 

I was unable to force my lips to form a reply.  I moved them in a way that should have made sound, but the motions did not work.  I remained silent. 

Suddenly, so quick that if I had blinked I would have missed it, his hand snapped out and slapped me across the side of my face.  His expression flashed rage for a short second, but was immediately replaced by his former one of cold indifference.   I let out of small squeak.

“You answer me when I talk to you.”  His voice, like his laugh, was harsh.  “So.  I will give you one more chance. What. Do. They. Do. To. Spys. When. Theyre. Caught?”  His words came out choppy like ocean waves on a stormy day. 

This time I attempted an answer.

“ I-I- don’t know,” My voice came out feeble, each word breaking into tiny little pieaces in the air as it left my mouth.  The man’s voice barked out another one of his harsh laughs.  He was volatile, his moods changing so abrubtly and fast it was unnerving.

“You don’t know…” he said it quietly, almost to himself, until he repeated it again this time shouting.  “YOU DON’T KNOW?” 

“N-N-N,” I tried to get the word “no” out but got stuck on the “N.”

“DON’T PLAY DUMB WITH ME BITCH,” he roared and I tried to wrench my chin from his hands, but he held strong.

“I- I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know,”  I repeated the words over and over again willing him to believe me.  He seemed to calm down at this, his fit of rage over.  Now he spoke in a whisper.

“They kill them.”  His eyes glinted mischievously.  A shiver traveled down my spine.  At this point I seemed to regain my voice in my panic.

“N-no,” My words stumbled over themselves to be heard.  “I won’t tell, anyone.  I-I’ll forget it ever happened.  Please don’t kill me”  He met this plea with his former cold indifferent expression.  His eyes seem to block my words out, refused to accept them, but I forged onward. 

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