Chapter five: This sucks

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A/N: here's two chapters to make up for my absence  I am so sorry! i know i havent uploaded in forever but i was on vacation then i lost power:( I still currently have no power but ill try and update whenever i can (right now im in my dads office) so remmeber please COMMENT or something to let me know youre reading.  ohh also PLEASE IGNORE GRAMMATICAL really sorry but I wrote this very quickly and there are probably PLENTY

I couldn’t think.  The entire ride home I remained entirely thoughtless, numb with pain.  It was like in the snow when you become so cold you start to get warm.  I had so much feeling that I felt nothing.

When I arrived home I walked to my room.  I didn’t even make it to my bed before I collapsed.  The weight of everything that was happening crushed me.   It crushed me like a boulder until all the breath was sucked out of me, leaving an empty hollowness in my chest.

I do not know how long I lay there, it must have been hours considering how dark it was, I didn’t really care.  I could hear the faint sounds of my family from downstairs.  The clattering of pots and pans as my dad prepared dinner, the laughter of my sister.  But all of these noises only served as the background to my new reality.  In this reality I was alone. 


I woke up the next morning on the floor.  I guess no one had bothered to check on me that night which I was grateful for.  I glanced at the clock and saw that it was six forty five.  Only fifteen minutes earlier than I would normally have woken up.  I rose with a feeling of stiffness from having slept on the floor all night.  My back ached and my legs were stiff.  I stretched.

I barely noticed the clothes I grabbed as I threw them on.  I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and I was ready to head downstairs.  I didn’t really want to run into anyone in my family and my early wake up provided me with the ideal way to avoid contact.  On my way out the door I almost grabbed a nutri grain bar as usual, but decided against it.  I just wasn’t as hungry as I usually was. 

Instead of the bus today I opted to take my bike as it would involve less interaction with people.  The school was about seven miles from my house so considering it was only seven a.m. I would have plenty of time to get there. 

With my backpack slung over my shoulder I peddled leasurely to school, trying to prolong the precious time I had before I had to face everyone.

However the ride could not last forever and in what seemed like much shorter than the forty five minutes it had been I was there. 

It was with trepidation that I made my way to the front doors of the school.  The fact that the man was here made its once welcoming feeling spoil into a sour taste of unfamiliarity.  No longer did I know these walls as those that held sanctuary and normality, but rather they took on a new meaning.  These walls were now cold to me, they were there to instill a feeling of togetherness.  I had to be alone.  They did not welcome my solitude.

Upon entering I made my way to my first class: math.   For once I looked forward to this class and its little need for interaction. 

The classes flew by in a blur that day.  Anyone who tried to talk to me I gave snippy responses until they got the message and left me alone.  Only one memorable interaction occurred.  It took place at lunch.

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