Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

       NOW that I wasn't dodging Signs around every corner, the trip back to their hideout was much quicker. I jogged back and was pleased to see no cars in the extensive driveway.

On the walk back, I silently praised myself for the idea. Ronnie had hijacked my car to bring me here and there was no way I could leave my baby here. I needed her.

I didn't take any extra care to hide myself as I walked through the yard to the garage. There was no need, everyone was out waiting for me in places I wold willingly go to on an everyday basis. They had no idea that I was snooping back right under their noses.

The garage was unlocked so I slid the door up. When the sun streamed into the garage it was as if it was shining brightest on that beautiful candy apple red paint job. I ran my fingertips lightly over the smooth, glossy paint as I walked around to the driver's door.

The keys weren't in the ignition and I looked around, I couldn't see them lying anywhere. I panicked for a moment before I remembered Marx's secret hiding place for the spare. I laughed a little to myself, opening the gas cap door. My extra set of keys was sitting in the little alcove and I snatched them out with a triumphant "YES!"

I got behind the wheel and turned the key, loving the feeling of power I got from the muscular growl that emanated from underneath the hood. I kissed the dash and smiled to myself. After readjusting my seat, mirrors, and radio station I started pulling out of the garage. 

The door that connected the garage to the house opened and Stefan popped his head out. He waved me down and I stopped, feeling jumpy now. I hadn't noticed that he was still home. There was no telling who else was still in the house.

I rolled my window down and he put a hand on the top, leaning in to talk. "You had to come back for the car? What if someone else had been home, Bird? God, you're shaking like a leaf!"

"I have to go. They're sitting on every place I go. This was the only place I could think of. Besides, I couldn't leave my car behind. I promise, you'll never see me again, Stefan."

He laughed through his nose and backed away from the car. He gave me a farewell wave and then I was racing down the driveway to find somewhere The Signs wouldn't be watching...

I cruised through the streets skillfully avoiding my frequented hot spots. On a whim I drove past my parent's hotel and let out a relieved sigh as I looked around and found no Signs. I parked close to the doors and no valet came out to take my keys this time.

I was still in the purple and yellow garb that I got from Ronnie. I popped the trunk and was relieved that my duffle was still in the trunk. I slung it over my shoulder and proceeded into the hotel. Once inside I went up to the main desk, still keeping a look out for any members of The Signs that I had missed behind a potted plant or blending in with the wall paper.

"I need the key to the Gates Suite," I said to the woman behind the desk.

She smiled blankly at me and shook her head at me, her blonde hair swaying around her head. "I'm sorry. You can't just come in here and demand a room, especially the Gates Suite. This is a respected hotel and I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The politely blank smile never left her face and in any other circumstance it would have been amusing. Now, not so much...

I looked at her name tag. Meghan. "Meghan? Is that your name?" She nodded at me. "I don't have time for this bull shit." I watched as she visibly flinched away from my harsh tone. "If I wanted to I could make one phone call and have you fired, never to work in another hotel again, but if you just give me the key, I won't do that."

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