Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"QUIT fooling around, Sam. Just come out of the bathroom. We're going to work out. I don't know why you have to be so difficult." I'm pretty sure he didn't mean for me to hear the last part. He would be sorry I did.

I filled my lungs with air and, in my loudest possible voice yelled, "Help! Ronnie!" My voice was ear shatteringly high pitched and loud enough to fill the great house with it's deafening volume.

"Shit," Bruce swore. "Are you alright Sam? Stand back from the door. I'm coming in." Within seconds the door shuddered and I pressed myself up against the far wall. A second kick hit the door but it held strong. There were splinters forming around the edge of the door and with one more solid kick the door fell off it's hinges and landed with a cloud of dust and debris.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Bruce was breathing heavily, he took a step towards me but was wrenched back by none other than Ronnie himself. Stefan was behind him and Stefan smirked knowingly at me while Ronnie rushed over, cradling me into his chest.

"What the hell, Bruce?" Ronnie nearly shouted. "I tell you to take her down to work out, you bust in on her while she's in the bathroom?" Ronnie buried his head in my hair and curled his fingers into my tank top. "Stefan, put him in D-room 2."

I couldn't see Stefan and Bruce leave but I could hear them. When they were gone Ronnie hugged me even closer and I felt a shudder run through him. "Are you alright, Sami? Did he hurt you? What happened?"

I sniffled a little and wiped at my eyes, pretending to brush away fake tears. "I'm fine. I just don't want to talk about it right now. Can I go work out alone?"

He looked down at me and seemed to be at war with himself. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and I could sense his resolve wavering. I added in a sniffle and he was sold. Ronnie nodded his head a little and said, "I'll walk you down but then I have some business to take care of. Are you sure you'll be alright alone?"

I nodded my head in confirmation. "Yeah, I think I just need some time alone to clear my head and sort out my feelings." Ronnie nodded sagely like he understood.

We walked the rest of the way in silence, he took ahold of my hand when we were halfway there and I didn't even bother to pull away. Stefan was right when he said Ronnie was different after I left. When I was still with the Prides he acted like he had to have me again and now that I was here, he was acting like he never lost me.

When we reached the doors to the work out room Ronnie turned to face me. He took both of my hands in his and leaned down so our foreheads were touching. "If you need anything, anything at all, there's an intercom on the wall. Push seven and it'll connect you straight to my office."

"Thank you," I said in a small voice, keeping up my act. Ronnie gave me a swift peck on the lips before turning and walking off down the hall.

I let myself into the workout room and looked around. It hadn't changed much while I was gone. The floors were smooth maple and glossy underneath their urethane finish. One entire wall was nothing but mirrors. Windows were set high into the walls, easily eight feet from the floor, and let in a ton of natural light. Sky lights in the ceiling drastically cut a need for any unnatural light but there were paper lanterns and fairy lights strung from the walls over the dance floor any way.

In the other half of the room there was a bunch of work out equipment. There were lifting benches, treadmills, yoga balls and mats, exercise bikes, and so much more. There were also a few couches and coffee tables at the walls and there was a fridge filled with water and stuff.

A stereo was mounted in the wall near the door, I switched it on and something I'd never heard poured out. While the music played I grabbed the tallest coffee table and pulled it over towards the windows.

Positioning the table under a window, I scrambled up on it's surface and reached with all my might towards the window. I was maybe six inches away from the bottom of the window.

"You aren't going to reach it." I spun around and nearly fell from the coffee table in fright.

"What are you doing here, Stefan?" I asked, hand over heart, trying to calm my racing pulse. I climbed down from the coffee table and moved it back to where I'd gotten it from. "I was only trying to open a window, it's stuffy in here..." I lied.

"Save the bullshit, Bird. We both know I can tell when you're lying." I sighed in defeat and Stefan just walked over to examine himself in the mirror.

"Stefan," I said, getting his attention. "How long do you think I'll be here?" The question had been weighing on my mind for a while now. Surely my parents would notice I was missing and alert the police if my boys didn't first...

Stefan pushed a hand through his dirty blonde hair and looked sadly at me. "I wish I could tell you. Really I do. I want nothing more than for you to be out of here and for me to never see you again. You are nothing but trouble Bird, but the kid won't tell me anything."

Without anything else to say, Stefan listened to the music and let his body take over. I studied him for a moment before my natural inclination for dance took over.

I moved into place with him and copied his movements perfectly. We finished out the song that way. Stefan made a difficult sequence and waited to see if I was able to repeat it. As we progressed the dance got harder and longer and still I followed each step with military like precision.

When the song ended Stefan turned to me, a look of understanding forming on his stunned face. "Now I know why the kid is keeping you around." Stefan was breathing a little faster than normal and I could relate.

The next song started from the stereo and Stefan barely registered the change. "Is this song even English?" I asked, feeling my body already responding to the music.

"Haha," Stefan laughed, a great sound that filled the room. "Not quite."

If he spoke after that, I didn't hear him, I was in another world now. The beat matched the beat of my heart and it was an indescribable feeling. When the song slowed, I felt for Chase but he wasn't there. None of them were.

I stopped what I was doing and stood perfectly still. It was all fully dawning on me now. I wanted Marx and TT to hug me. I wanted Chase to tell me everything was alright. I wanted Vulcan to tell me my hair was a mess and RayJay to smack him for me. I even wanted JoJo to tell me not to miss practice tomorrow. What I wanted most though, was for D to ruffle my hair and say, "Good work, Bird."

I wanted all of my boys and the uncertainty that was surrounding me now was all falling down around me. I didn't just want them. I needed them. They were all the glue that held me together.

A single tear leaked out and then it was as if the flood gates had broken. Tears flowed freely from my eyes and I didn't know what to do. I wasn't a crier and something like this had never happened before.

I leaned up against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I wrapped my arms around my knees and cried into them. 

I felt Stefan looking at me and I could understand why. One minute I was dancing like a free spirit, and the next I was sobbing uncontrollably into my knees on the floor. 

"Samantha, are you alright?" When he called me by my real name the tears came out even faster. My parents were the only ones to ever call me Samantha. As distant as they were, I missed them too. "Shit," he swore.

"I-I'm f-f-fine." I stuttered out in between sobs.

Stefan ignored me and I heard him walk to the far wall. There was a beep and then he said, "Ronnie, we have a bit of a situation. I'm going to need your help down here."


It's been a long six months but it's finally up! I am so sorry that took so long! But hey, it's here now. Better late then never right? I know, I'm a horrible human being! BUT, I've graduated now so more time to write? Hopefully! I hope you enjoy!

Also, the song at the side is what she's listening to during the last dance. I love them! Mmmm, Bang Yong Guk!





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