Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

       STEFAN paced around the room until Ronnie came in. I didn't look up when he came in. I was too focused on thinking about my boys.

I was supposed to be at practice early this morning. JoJo would think I was just being lazy again. D would stick up for me, he'd probably make up some scenario involving my parents. The rest of the boys would idly wonder but just chalk it up to me being me.

The bandanna I had tied around my wrist this morning was now in my hands, wiping my tears away. Ronnie rushed over to me and his hands hovered around me. He wasn't sure how to help me and neither was I.

He tried pulling me into his side but I flinched away from him. I didn't want his comfort. He was the one who took me away from my boys, my family, my life.

"What's wrong with her?" Ronnie asked his brother.

"I have no idea! Why do you think I called you in?" Stefan was pissed and what little self control he had was fading quickly. "I came in to check in on her and she was fine. She was dancing and then she was freaking the fuck out! I can't handle all the crying."

I was no longer sobbing, just silently crying. I thought my body would be out of tears by now but it seemed all the tears I'd held back over the years were now pouring out while I was weak.

Ronnie came over towards me again and sat down in front of me. He pulled one of my hands away from my knees and allowed me to keep wiping my eyes with the other.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked softly after a few minutes.

My tears were slowing now and I looked up at him. Stefan had left already and it was just me and Ronnie alone in the room. I shook my head at him and his eyes softened when he saw that I was still crying.

"What's with the tears? I thought the brave Sami Gates never cried, never showed any weakness. Huh, where's that girl? Where's that strong girl?" Ronnie didn't hear the double meaning in his words but I did.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe she's been strong for too long?" I all but spat out. My tears quit and I wiped away any trace of them with the bandanna, tossing it onto the ground beside me. I stood up on shaky legs and looked down at his dumbfounded expression.

"Maybe, just maybe," I said, my voice filled with venom. "She's back home with her family and her friends. Maybe she's where she's supposed to be!"

Ronnie stood too and leaned down to get in my face. "You are where you're supposed to be, Sami! You belong here with the ones who care most about you! Why can't you see that I'm doing all of this for you?!"

I'm pretty sure my eye twitched from irritation at his bull shit! "For me!? You're doing all of this for me?!" I was shouting now. "I never asked you to. You don't know what's best for me Ronnie. You've never had my best interests at heart. If you did you wouldn't have taken me from The Prides!"

His eyes hardened and his hands came up to grip my upper arms in a vice like hold. "Don't talk about them like you belong with them, Sami. You were mine first and they stole you away from me. I've just gotten you back and you want to go running back to them? After everything I've done for you?"

His hands were gripping me tighter now and I squirmed under the pressure. "Ronnie, you're hurting me." I said, trying to free myself. He didn't let go. "Ronnie!"

"What are you two yelling about in here?" Stefan came back in the room and he charged over to us. Without barely a thought he pulled Ronnie off of me and pushed him aside. "Are you alright, Bird?"

"She's fine, Stefan!" Ronnie said venomously from behind his brother.

I locked eyes with Stefan and he read the jumble of emotions that were at war within me. I was scared, maybe even terrified of this new side of Ronnie that I'd never seen before. I was comforted, comforted by Stefan's presence. And oddly enough, I was joyful. I was joyful because Ronnie was coming undone. While this was a terrifying thought, it made me glad to see my tormentor so shaken.

 Stefan wheeled on Ronnie and Ronnie took a surprised step back. "What do you think you're getting yourself into Ronnie? First you kidnap your ex-girlfriend, who spied on you. Then you lock her up in our house. And now you lay hands on her? What the fuck, man. When I handed this crew over to you-"

Ronnie decided he was tired of being lectured. "Right Stefan. You gave me this crew. That means I am in charge! Not you. I'll do whatever I damn well please and you can't stop me." Ronnie was on a roll now. He'd never stood up to Stefan before, just always listened and nodded his head.

"You had your time in charge but your reign has long since passed, Stefan. I'm the king of this castle and I don't care what you have to say about it. Now get out of my way, I was having a conversation with my girlfriend!"

"Oh my God! She's not your girlfriend! Get over her!" Stefan yelled back.

Ronnie took a swing at Stefan and then all hell broke loose. They were throwing dangerous punches at each other. When Stefan grabbed Ronnie's legs and took him to the ground I saw my opportunity.

Without another thought, I bolted for the door. When I had it open, and I was standing in the doorway, I snuck one last peek at the two of them rolling around on the ground. 

Once in the hallway, I followed my memories to the front door. I passed a few of The Signs here and there but none of them stopped me. They all knew better than to try and stop Ronnie's Girl from trying to do something. When you try and stop Ronnie's Girl from doing something you're likely to end up in one of the D Rooms like Bruce...

I had slowed my running pace, certain that I wasn't being followed. I was on the first floor now and I only had to go through a few more rooms and halls before I would make it to the front door. Less people paid attention to me now that I wasn't running at a break neck pace for the door.

Just as I pulled the door open I heard, "Why are none of you stopping her? Get Sami!" Ronnie was out of the workout room and he was coming for me. As well as every available member of The Signs.


Wowzers! That's two chapters in one day! I hope you all appreciate this because this is your apology present for being gone for six months. LOVE IT! I have nothing else to say because I said a lot last chapter a few hours ago... Oh well, I'll work on another chapter soon. Sorry they're so short...





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