Part 1

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Scene 1: Prologue (Narrator speaks)

It has come to another endeavor that we have come upon. Once the discovery of the inevitable epiphany that surrounds her has come down. She has no choice but to embrace and harness it's spirit. It cannot be stopped but it can be changed to something better. Or worse...

Scene 2: (slender mansion)

Nurse Ann:
Alright guys, who's on today's list?

Well, we have a gentlemen by the name of Jerry Hopkins. Lives on 6714 apple street-And what is wrong with all these street names?

Wait what?

All of these fruity street names and yet all I see around every corner is a burger joint. What's with that?

Nurse Ann:
Makes it easier for us to catch people. Maybe we can just catch them at the drive-thru.

Ha! I can't imagine just jumping through the window and just slitting their throat and all you see is chewed meat and blood.

All over my dress. Yea, no I'm not gonna do that anytime soon. Plus I hate fast food.

Nurse Ann:
What!? You never had that trash for comfort one time!? I remember when I was alive I had a triple stacked-

(Slender barges through the front door)

May I have your attention!


Well then, I have good news and bad news. Which one would you prefer to hear children?

Is there also like really horrible to the straight from hell news in there somewhere? I feel like there is.

Very well, I have new word that we have to get a new guest for our housing.

That's the worse bad news I heard all this week! Oh the horr-

Let me finish. And that was the good news. The bad news is because Jeff has gone missing and hasn't come back for over four months.

Nurse Ann:
Well, he said he was going on vacation for a while. He'll come back eventually. We just have to-

Find the new roommate! So who's the lucky guy or gal?

Nurse Ann:

It's a woman by the name of Lady Maria. She has been out in the world and producing a macro scale of deaths recently.

What's her story?

Why don't you ask her when you find her?

What does she look like?

She covers herself in hunters clothes so they say. Be very cautious, she is skilled in hand to hand combat. And I'm pretty sure she has something way bigger than your knife and chainsaw.

I don't think that's a woman. I think that's just a girl who is batshit crazy with a love for some weird things.

Well, it's our guest of honor.

Nope. Nope. Noping the fuck out. Nope.

Aww... its ok slendy we got this. I'm pretty sure all three of us can take down one musketeer. If Jane doesn't woos out again.


Nurse Ann:
We'll go and get her Slender. Anything else?

Try to find Jeff if you can. He still has work to be done. That's all. Good luck.

The Nurse Ann (Creepypasta Story) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now