Part 5

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Lady Maria:
Ahh! Where-what happened!?

Nurse Ann:
You went to sleep.

Lady Maria:
You know, we should work on trust here. I am your guest.

Nurse Ann:
To Slender you are. But to me you are a very friendly patient of mine.

Lady Maria:
(Sighs) How am I still breathing?

Nurse Ann:
Nevermind so, quickly we must venture to the latest.

Lady Maria:
What? Speak English not philosophy.

Nurse Ann:
Shut yourself and let us take to the-

(Clockwork busts in the room)

Just come out already!

Nurse Ann:
You are not Amadeus! Silence!

Lady Maria:
Why is she acting like this?

Uhh... well she goes through this tight ass phase where she listens to a song and gets attached to it. Almost immersing herself completely into it.

Nurse Ann:
You dare question my mentality!?

Fucking annoying... let's go. Slender is waiting.

Lady Maria:
Come on Ann.

Nurse Ann:
Uhh... let's carry on?

Poetic justice...

(Lady Maria, Nurse Ann, and Clockwork walk into the main lobby)

Ok, we're here. What's the big deal?

As most of you already know something big is about to be at our doorstep. And so I want to say that I need everyone in this house to be able to fight any intruders at any time.

Do we have any leads on when this might happen?

No, but this is a perfect time to show off our guests skills in action.

(Everyone in the room stares at Lady Maria) (Jane walks in the lobby)

Who me? Ahh, shut up you guys. I already know.

(Clears his throat) Anyway, Lady Maria will scout out ahead and see if anything is out of the ordinary. But if she runs into trouble then she will need two for an escort.

Nurse Ann:
I'll volunteer as tribute.

Lady Maria:
If you stop the act then you can.

Nurse Ann:
SHUT... the fuck up.

I'll also come along. They need me to get them back home because Maria doesn't know where we are. And Ann just has bad navigational skills.

Nurse Ann:
Dafuq did ya just say? I'm a whip that ass girl.

Wait a minute...

(Clockwork squints at Nurse Ann and notices her ear buds)

Piece of shit. Alright let's just go.

Go out and see if anything is wrong. Come straight back. We don't need to do anything haste or stupid for that matter.

Nurse Ann:
Like hella... we'll be back.

Lady Maria:
(Shakes her head)

(Clockwork, Nurse Ann, and Lady Maria head out into the woods)

Lady Maria:
So, Clockwork yes?

Yea, what about it?

Lady Maria:
What exactly would seems out of the original for this type of environment?


Lady Maria:
Uh huh. Could you please specify.

We shouldn't meet anyone out here. And if we do they're either a dumb ass or one of them.

Lady Maria:
Who's them?

The hun-

Nurse Ann:
Hey! Can we get some directions here. I'm not tryin to be an ass but we look lost.

We're going in the right direction.

Nurse Ann:
Great... I don' thought we were fucked.

Shut the fuck up please.

Nurse Ann:
I was being real with you. Quit being a downer-

Lady Maria:
(Whispers)Quiet down. I heard something move up ahead.

(All of the girls squint into the near pitch black darkness ahead to see a shadow move from one tree to another)

Nurse Ann:
Did you see that shit!?

Shh! You're gonna blow our cover. Fuck, it probably already knows we're here.

Lady Maria:
I'll stay above in the tree line to see if it's still there.

(Lady Maria uses her grappling hook and flies upward)

Ann stay close to me... Ann. Ann? Ann, what are you doing?

(Nurse Ann is seen wearing her ear buds and nodding her head back and forth)(Clockwork comes and rips it out of her ear)

You think this is the time?

Nurse Ann:
Why do you treat me lower than the shit that you take?

What the-what were you listening to?

(Clockwork puts on one ear bud and recognized that the artist was My Chemical Romance)

At least it's not hip hop anymore.

(Rustling sound was heard nearby)

Nurse Ann:
I hear death looming.

Don't be a bitch. Plus I actually like that artist. Just be careful.

Nurse Ann:
Stop treating me like a fucking child.

(Footsteps are heard closer than before)

(Whispers)Over there.

Nurse Ann:
Even if that person kills me. I already died on the inside. Literally...

Now who's the downer?

(A shadow like figure sprints towards them)

Watch it!

(Before the figure could get close Lady Maria jumped down upon the person)

Lady Maria:
Ahh ha!

Nice work Maria. Guess you really do have some unique skills.

Nurse Ann:
She's the fallen angel from the dark heavens above.

Lady Maria:
Well, let's get a good look at who this is. Clockwork can you bring your lighter out?

Here we go.

(The light reveals the person's face)

What the fuck!? Why is he here?

Nurse Ann:
It's the one and only...

The Nurse Ann (Creepypasta Story) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now