New school, New begining

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New school, New begining
Built on the banks of a large neutral harbor, the city of Amberhill is a contemporary curiosity. Its uniqueness is matched by the backdrop of lush fields of grass which have helped shape the city to what it is today. Besides the climate these fields brought, they were also influential when it came to architectural designs. As the vast majority of buildings are slim and tall, which mimics the grasses and openness of the fields around them.

I sighed in the backseat of the cab as I looked at my phone, reading about this town was making me bored and nervous.

What if I can't find them.....? I thought to myself before hitting my head off of the seat in front of me "ow! What are you-" I started to say before the taxi driver interrupted me

"Here you are now get out." His voice deep and stern

I handed him the wad of cash I had counted up for my drive here. He's real lucky I didn't take back a few of those dollars. I thought softly as I got out of the taxi, grabbed my bag and headed up to the mansion. Great another new private school I hope this ones better than the last.

Approaching the door I started panicking, my breathing getting heavier by the minute. Before I could even a quire the courage to actually knock the door opened.

"Who are you and what are you doing here??" The brunette girl at the door said while popping a piece of gum

"Well u-uhm my names Pandora Fallsworth and I'm new here. I got told to check in here" I say softly as I look down my crimson red bangs falling into my face.

"Oh hey!" The girl straightened up her posture revealing a very dressy outfit. A knee length pastel pink dress with one shoulder strap. "I'm so sorry for my attitude, My names Rosalie and I will be your guide for your first few days here at Panorama Conservitory" her voice seemed almost song like as she spoke.

I hope that the students here aren't all like her.

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