A Knight In Skinny Jeans

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"Pan!! Where are you?!?!" The voice of an older woman called from the bottom of a staircase.

"I'm in my room Mom!!" I yelled over my stereo blasting some Fall Out Boy from my iPhone. I turned my music down as soon as I heard a knock on my door. I opened my door to see my mom standing there.

"Pandora your father and I will be gone for a few days, we have to go on a short business trip. I need you to promise me that you won't let anyone in the house....or anything for that matter" My moms voice as stern as her gaze while she looked at me, the last part of her sentenced mumbled so I couldn't hear a word of it.

"Yes mom, I promise. I won't answer the phone either unless I recognize the number on the caller ID either" I was used to this speech by now. My parents work at the same place, where? I'm not sure but I'm used to them going away for awhile. It usually ranged from a day or two to a week.  But this time I was sure had  felt a lot different from the other times.

My moms smile seemingly fake as she kissed my head "Good girl my little Sprite. Remember we love you and we will be back. If we aren't back you know what to do" Her face getting scared as she explained this.

Shut off the lights in in the house, turn off the fuse box, turn my emergency cell phone on/everyday one off with battery out, and run to our emergency shed until called to come home. The whole procedure running through my head as I reassured my mother that it was all okay and that I'd be fine here like I normally am. My mother kissing my head and squeezing me tight in a hug before getting in her Subaru Forester.  As soon as her car was out of the distance I ran inside and locked every door, Not Knowing that was the last time I'd ever see them again.

At least an hour later my everyday cell phone starts ringing. It was mom.

"Yeah mom what's up?" My head screaming that it may be a trap.

"Pan! Y-you need to take the money in my jar upstairs and get a ticket to a city! Now!!  " her voice a shriek as she yelled, her words cutting out. My hands trembling as I dropped my phone, I ran upstairs grabbed her wad of cash and booked it to the train station.

"What will it be sweetheart?" He was at least six foot three as he stood in the ticket booth, no acne covering his face, by my guess he looked about maybe 20 but I'm bad at guessing ages. As he looked over me I looked at the next train stops.

"Uhm I'd like to go to AmberHill please" My voice trembling as I looked up at him

"Alright train leaves in 5 minutes and you should be in AmberHill in about two hours. Hey you seem scared if you wait a little longer I'll be done my shift and I can get you there faster myself ?" His voice deep as he expressed his concern for me.

Why are mortals so nice to each other? I'm a stranger to him... If someone's after my parents then they're after me and I don't want him in the middle of this. As cute as the boy is I can't let a mortal die for me. But I do have to leave now...

"how much longer until you get out?"

"Like five minutes and I know shortcuts to AmberHill"

"Alright you've got yourself a deal. Try anything fishy and you will regret it." His smile brightened when he knew I accepted his offer, he was being so nice but we needed to hurry.

After a few minutes went by we were in his car, he owned a jet black '67 Chevy Impala. God it was a nice car, but I couldn't admire the car I needed to admire the fact that we either got going now or we would be fighting for our lives soon.

"Listen I know who you are Pandora, I know your family and I'm here to help you, I'm an demon. You're not in a car with a random stranger your mom told me to wait for you and drive you to a certain school"

My eyes went wide with shock. I didn't know what to think at this point all I knew is that I was in a car with a demon who knew my mom and had talked to her either before or after I did but most likely before I did.

"Oh so you aren't a dumb mortal helping out a stranger? That helps a lot." My sarcasm was getting the best of because I was terrified. "Alright let's go then" we didn't say anything the rest of the ride. We had been going for an hour straight. And my strange knight in shiny jeans(?) was getting tired. He had worked a long shift and wasn't physically ready for this drive but he was getting through it. My eyes were slowly closing, I didn't realize I was tired. Deciding to shut my eyes for a little bit until we got there I awoke to police sirens in the distance. My eyes fluttered opened to My knight pulling me out of the car, carrying me to the edge of the woods.

"My names Christian and I need you to go to this address and text/call me when you get there but say your names Hannah, Pan I'm trying to protect you someone's coming and if you don't go you could die." Christians voice as concerning as his eyes, He cupped my cheeks, kissed me and then pushed me towards the inside of the forest.

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