Chapter 3

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"So what do you think about the villain kids?" Jane my friend asked. Jane was Fairy Godmother's daughter.
"There okay." Doug spoke up.
"Okay? you were eyeing Evie." I teased taking a bite of the mashed potatoes they were serving for lunch.
"No I wasn't" he said fixing his glasses.
"Yes you were." I teased nudging his shoulder.
"Uhmm I got to go." Jane said getting up from the table taking her lunch.
"That was weird." I said seeing where she was going. She was already around the corner.
"Hey." Carlos spoke up behind me.
He had Jay, Evie,and Mal right next to him.
That's probably why Jane left.
"Hey, do you want to join us for lunch?" I asked
"Sure." Jay said taking the open seat next to me.
"So do you... guys... have any...questions?" Doug asked stuttering a little.
I only smiled at him because I knew he liked Evie.
"Actually we do." Evie said
"What is it?" I asked
"Are we all invited to your brothers coordination?" Mal asked
"Yeah, everyone is." I answered
"Do you think we could sit right up front to suck up all the goodness from the wand?" Mal asked
"Actually I'm sorry, but the only people aloud right up front are my parents,Ben, his girlfriend and I." I answered.
"Oh that's fine we are just excited to be there." Carlos said.
"Great, so how do you like your classes?" I asked
"There okay.We have goodness class. Which is new I'm guessing." Jay said leaning in closer to me.
"Yeah it is." Doug said quietly
"But don't worry. My father was just making sure that you guys have a little experience on how thing usually go around here." I answered trying not to hurt their feelings. I didn't want them to think that we didn't trust them. Because honestly they are so much nicer than most people here.
"That's fine we understand." Mal answered bringing a leather book out. She was scanning the pages as she turned through them fiercely.
"You okay there?" Doug asked her.
"Yeah." Mal said blankly as she continued to turn the pages.
"She just wants to get a head start on her class work." Carlos said.
"So did you guys have school on the Isle of the lost?" I asked
"Yeah, but you know we ditched most of the time, am I right Carlos." Jay said going in for a high five. Carlos rejected it as he began to talk to me.
"We had school. Kinda like this but you know they taught you how to be bad. And well we had regular classes but nobody put much work into those." Carlos explained.
"Interesting, so what did you do on the Isle?" I asked
"Just had fun." Evie said
"We did what we wanted to do when we wanted to do it." Jay said
"That sound like fun. I'm constantly getting ordered around." I said a little bit jealous of the Isle kids.
"But your a princess." Mal said as she looked up from her book.
"It's not all fairy tails." Doug answered for me. Doug knew How i felt about being a princess. I loved it but it was so much pressure.
"What do you mean?" Carlos asked
"Sure being a princess had its perks.' I said
"Like being cheer captain." Doug mentioned
"Yeah like being cheer captain. but you know my parents want me to be the perfect princess, I have to be a good role model and make sure I don't fall." I told them.
"That's not what I thought being a princess was like." Evie said
"It's a little secret that not everyone knows." I answered
"Well we have to go." Mal said quickly pulling Evie up with her.
"Wait why?" Jay asked
"We just do, lets get to goodness class early." Mal answered running off with Evie.
"Well we will see you later." Carlos answered as he got up.
"Yeah in goodness class." I mentioned
"Really, what trouble did Miss.Princesses Destiny get herself into?" Jay teased.
"Nothing, Fairy Godmother asked if I could help her out." I answered
"Well see you there." Carlos said them Jay grabbed his arm and rushed off with him in the direction Mal and Evie took off in.
"A little suspicious don't you think." Dog answered getting up from his seat.
"A little but I'm site it's nothing. Come on lunch is about to end." I told Doug.

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