10: Ambush Him With Snowballs!

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America's P.O.V

"Wake up Fat-butt!" A voice beamed in my presence. I didn't respond for a while, just cracked open my eyes slightly before feeling a jolt of pain up my spine. "Argh!" I struggled to get up off the couch I rested on. But once I was up Matthew smiled over at me.

"Argh? So your a pirate now?" He chuckled, putting a plate with a few pancakes nearly drowned in maple syrup on the coffee table beside me. "Hmm... Whatever helps you sleep at night." My words had a mocking tone weaved into them. I reached for the plate of pancakes. "Your the only thing that helps me sleep at night." I was about to swallow a bite of the pancake and I nearly choked on that one sentence. It was like Matthew shattered the moment. With... Frenchiness? D*mnit Francis! "Yeah, okay we had enough of that last night." I was still a bit groggy but managed not to fall asleep mid sentence. However, Matthews chuckle framed words kept me awake.

"Anyways, are you sore? Usually after frickity fracking people are sore." He moved over to me, massaging small circles into my lower back. It was quite relaxing. I tried not to talk with my mouth stuffed with pancakes, but I did it anyways. "I'm fine! Don't worry about it, dude!" That was a half lie. I didn't want Matthew to be worried. Although, I really enjoy it when he's concerned for me. "Whatever you say." He stopped the mini massage and planted a kiss on my cheek.

Soon I remembered we were still in Berlin, but as if Matthew had read my mind, he spoke up. "And since were still in Berlin you better hurry up if you wanna make it back home."
I nodded, frantically setting aside the empty pancake plate and Sparta-kicking the door to the bathroom open. "Say sorry to the door al." Matthew laughed as he watched me. "No way! The door should say sorry for being in my way!" I joined into Matthews laughter as I walked inside the bathroom to freshen up.

Canada's P.O.V

During the Flight me and Alfred decided we would share a house on the border of Manitoba and North Dakota.(like North and South Korea do) And based on past events we had to ask our bosses before resuming with any action. Fortunately, they agreed without any trouble. Mostly because we'd be safe from any war attacks since, in all honesty, Manitoba and North Dakota aren't all that important. I mean, we couldn't really say North Dakota was equivalent to Washington and Manitoba to Ontario.

When we arrived I spotted my most favourite sight. The one that Alfred despised.
"Snow!" I called out as I cheerfully ran circles around the border-split house. 

Sprawled like a rumpled quilt before me was sparkling white snow shared between the borders of our two countries. Some icicles hung down from bare trees and frost was lining the few things free from the snow. And our cozy house was smack dab in the middle of it all. The sight was just breathtaking.

"Hurrah..." Alfred grumbled halfheartedly. "Cheer up! Atleast it's not burning like in Satans armpit. Aka Arizona." I teased him.
"You know very well that I prefer Satans armpit over this any day." Alfred kept whining and shivering. "Can we go inside n-" before he could finish his sentence I chucked a snowball at him.
"Oh! My hand slipped!"
"Two can play at that game!"

Before we knew it, the two of us were flinging snowballs back and forth. Getting drenched in snow.

At one point Alfred froze up and questionably looked around. Trying to find me.
I was hiding by one of the trees located behind the American. When he turned around to look in the direction of the tree I raced towards Alfred and tackled him, splattering fluffy snow on his face. "Wha?! AHH RUN FOR YOUR LIVES THE MATTIE MONSTER'S GONNA GET YOU!!" Alfred shouted, trying to make this as dramatic as possible. "I sound pretty scary." My lips pursed into a grin and Alfred moved his head up to connect our grins. I love his sweet kisses more then words can describe.

He soon pulled away to talk. "Okay, even kisses can't warm me up. Let's get inside!" I grinned at him and nodded.
We both got up and off the ground and I peered down at our snow covered clothing. "Is it always this cold?" Alfred asked, breaking the silence. "Only in winter. And you'll get a break from this... Because of that... Um... You know that thing your holding on the weekend!" I fumbled through my mind, trying to think of the word. I hate when things slip my mind. One minute it's there and the next... It's gone!

What I was talking about was this little party that Alfred was holding. It was all cow boyish. People danced and stuffed their face with food, like pigs. Something like a folk dance.

"Hoedown?" He perked up at the words rolling off his tongue. "Yeah That!"
His goofy smile split his face like a jack-o-lantern which threw me to gift him a smile aswell. "And it's on Saturday, correct?" I asked, just to clarify. And since today was Friday I had to be prepared.

After Alfred gave me the clarification that the Hoedown is infact on Saturday, we went on talking about it. And soon we started racing from topic to topic. We talked while eating, showering, watching TV, and even as far as cuddling under the blankets and going on about why balloons are called balloons. It was pretty impulsive of me to avoid sleep but all the humour, laughs, and absolute ridiculousness was fun.

The day went by awfully quickly, but tomorrow was going to an amazement filled day. I wouldn't miss it for the world...
Or would I...?

You Found Me (A Hetalia AmeCan Love Story) -FINISHED-Where stories live. Discover now