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I stopped screaming at some point 'cause my throat felt like it was on fire. I didn't remove the duct tape over my mouth in fear that this man was going to hit me again, maybe even worse. It felt like hours I was laying in that trunk. Someone has to find me. Someone has to notice I'm gone. Anyone. I thought about what was going to happen to me. What he was going to do, worst case scenarios, best case scenarios, but mostly worst. I thought about how I may never see my family or my friends again. How freaking ungrateful I’ve been. My eyelids suddenly started to get heavy.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, an unfamiliar room. It then clicked into my head; I've been kidnapped by Thomas Nolan. Of course I was. It had to be me. Then I started to think about him. He could've killed me. Why didn't he? What stopped him? He looked like he realised something important. His piercing blue eyes. They terrified me. I tried to move my arms and legs but I couldn't because they were tied to the bedposts. I tried to get loose from them but it only hurt more. I still had duct tape over my mouth. There was one solitary light hanging above me. It was eerie. It hurt my eyes to look at, and yet, I continued to look at it, almost as if it was an escape. The door to the room opened and Thomas walked into the room. It really was him. I looked away from him. He came over to me, sat on the edge of the bed, leaning over me. He grabbed my chin and slowly turned my face towards him.

"Welcome to Hell." he said, smirking. I look away in disgust. He grabs my chin again harder.

"Now do I really disgust you?" He rips the tape off my mouth and I gasp in pain.

"Do I really?" He smirks. I spit in his face as he jerks back, I try to scream for help.

"Bitch!" he yells and slaps my face again, this time closer to my eye. I scream pain. It hurt worse than the punch in the face. He puts a hand over my mouth and puts a finger on his lips and shushes me. A tear streams down my face. He wiped it off my face still smiling. He moved his hand and my lips quivered in fear of what would happened if I screamed. He came closer to my face. A weak gasp of almost anticipation escaped my lips. There they were; his blue eyes. I couldn't breathe again. His lips were inches away from mine. My body stiffened, my eyes were wide. I tried to back away but I couldn't. He pulled back. He stood up from the bed and pulled a chair next to the bed.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"I'm watching you. I can do whatever I want to you. You're mine!" Now I really couldn't breath. My vision started to shake and become out of focus. No. Not now. This is the worst time. I started having a panic attack. I could tell. He put the tape back over my mouth. No. Nonononono.

"Hey, what what are you doing?" I asked nervously. I was only a little concerned, she's probably just faking to escape again, right? She was breathing heavy and she was starting to cry. Oh great. I put the tape over her mouth so she didn't fucking wail. I sat back in my chair. Now she was shaking. Okay okay, I really don't care and all, but I'm getting concerned.

"Shit." I got up and locked the door. Jakob was gonna be pissed. It seemed to scare her more when I locked the door. Oh yeah, she's freaking out. I ran towards her and untied her arms and legs. I knelt down beside the bed, watching her curl up into a ball, crying, rocking herself on the bed. I sat back in my chair in relief to see her calm the fuck down a bit.

"Chill yet?" I asked trying to sound insensitive. She lifted her head and wiped away the tears from her face.

"Thank you." she said in a soft, voice.

“I’m just covering my ass.” I say breathing a sigh of relief.

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