On The Run

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We were sitting outside some shitty motel in the middle of nowhere in Tommy's car. It didn't bother me, as long as I was with Tom.

"Shit!" I took off Tom's shirt.

"Oh, hey." I handed it to him with a stern look.

"Sorry." He put his shirt on and I took one of my shirts from my duffle bag and slipped it on.

“Don’t look.” I squealed. Tommy looked in the other direction. I grabbed a pair of panties and jean shorts and quickly put them on. Tommy was looking at me from the corner of his eye. I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked away, playing with his lip ring. He was thinking. I smirked at what disgusting things he could be thinking about. He stopped.

"C'mon." he said taking the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car. I followed. We walked into the motel, I following him with my duffle bag. The guy at the desk slid a key across the desk and Tom took it and walked up the stairs near the desk.

"Have you, been here before?" he chuckled.

"A few." He opened a door with the number 13.

"Lucky number." He said smiling at me. I walked into the room and Tom followed. Tom put down the key on the small table next to the king sized bed in the room. There were two short dressers across from the bed and a small bathroom next to the dressers. There was a big window to the right of the bed with milky white curtains covering most of the window. I put my bag on the ground and I walk into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. I put the same clothes I had on back on. I sat down on the bed, looking down. Tom sits down next to me and smiles. I look at him.

"What?" I ask as he smiles bigger. The smile went away.

“I wanna tell you now.” He looked down.

“Okay. Go.” I moved my legs underneath me and sat on them, making myself slightly taller.

"Okay well when I was twenty, I killed my foster mother." I looked him in the eyes. He looked down.

"Keep going." I said reassuringly.

"She was always pissin' on about how I needed to move out and find a family of my own. She kept saying that I would never have a family. I was too weak, like my father.” He paused.

“I was taken away from my father when I was twelve because he "wasn't stable."I kept telling her I'd leave, I'd leave, I'd leave, but she kept going on about how I didn't have the balls to move on with my life. She was yelling about why I didn't just leave now and I said maybe I will. At this point I was thoroughly pissed off. I kept yelling at her to shut the fuck up!" Thomas’s voice became angrier. But then it got weak.

"I-I slit her throat. There was so much blood. I didn't mean to she just-"He looked at me and I met his gaze. His ice blue eyes were glossy and wet. His eyes were red again. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my chest. I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck and rested my chin on his head.I gently kissed the top of his head.

“Why are you so interested in me then?” I asked. He leaned back.

“I owe you.”I smiled.

“I have something to tell you.” Tom said.

“What is it?” I smiled at him. His face turned pink.

"You're cute." I yawn. "Oh really?" His eyes widen and his smile leaves his face.

"You must be exhausted!" He exclaimed.

"N-no, I'm fine." He smiles again.

"Oh I don't think so." he pushed me down on the bed so I'm laying down. He stands at the foot of the bed, smiling with his hands on his hips.

"Comfy?" I smile and laugh a little.

"Not really." I actually wasn't. These jeans suck.

"Okay." He crawls on the bed and unbuttons my jeans, moving back down the bed and pulling them off, taking me with them. We were both laughing. It took him to the point where I was laying at the foot of the bed. He leans on the bed, standing over me.

"Better?" I nodded. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he brought me to the left side of the bed and put me down. He pressed his lips against mine and smiled against my lips. He climbed over me and laid on his back on the right side of the bed.

"Tired?" I asked. His eyes were already shut.

"Yeah." He sat up and took off his jeans. I smiled. He looked at me.

"Why the hell are you smiling?" He smirked.

"Nothing." I started to get under the blankets. He got underneath them with me. I laid down and shut my eyes, facing away from Tom. He came up behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I was smiling. Tom started kissing my neck.

“T-Tommy?” His hands moved up my body to my hip, sliding his hand underneath my panties.

“No! Stop!” I jumped up and fell out of the bed and backed up against the wall. I started to breathe heavy and flashed from the past couple days exploded in my mind.

“Hey, hey, hey, Taryn, look at me.” Tommy said caringly. I kept holding my hands over my ears and rocking back and forth.

“Taryn, babygirl. Hey, look at me. Look. I’m not going to hurt you.” Tommy grabbed my wrists and held my hands. My breathing slowed down. Tommy came up next to me and cradled me. I felt weak and stupid. Like a small child having a temper tantrum. Tommy kissed the top of my head.

“C’mon, let’s go to sleep, okay?” He asked, waiting for my approval. I nodded and he helped me back into bed. I felt him nuzzle his face into my hair. I soon fell fast asleep.

I woke up to a crashing sound. It sounded like broken glass. I opened my eyes and it was light out. I sit up and rub my face, yawning. I look down to see Taryn, curled up into a ball, still sleeping peacefully. I smile. She's so fucking cute. I look over on the ground to see a brick and broken glass on the floor. I quickly put on my jeans and walk over to the glass. I pick up the brick to see a note attached to it. My eyes widen and I throw the brick on the ground.



I shake Taryn to wake her up.

"Come on Taryn. We have to go, now!"

"What?" she said sleepily. I threw her pants at her and gathered what things that were left out. She sat up and put her pants on. I grab the bag, the key, and her hand and run out the door.

"What's wrong?" she asked. I could hear in her voice she was terrified.

"We have to go." That's all I could say. That was enough information for her to understand what we could be running from.I toss the room key on the desk and run out the door to the car. we get in the car and I start it up, and drive away.

"Tommy, what is wrong?"

"I think they're coming for us." Her eyes widen with fear. She knew exactly who "they" were and what would happen if they caught us.

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