If I Die Young

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So this is an idea I got while listening to the song, 'If I Die Young' by The Band Perry. If you haven't heard it, you should check it out :P

Chapter One

     I can't wait until schools over, I thought to myself as Mrs. Wheeler droned on and on about John Dalton, or was it John Frederick Daniell? Oh well, I know it's John something. Mrs. Wheeler seems to think that on the last day of school, it would be a treat to listen to her speak about some famous scientist that died over a hundred years ago, but I doubt anyone was actually listening. Why? Because no one likes Mrs. Wheeler. Last year, she made a girl in my class cry for being a couple seconds late.We all try complaining to the principle, but it doesn't help much. He comes in the class to watch how she teaches us, but then she goes all nice teacher and smiles all the time. It looks kind of creepy to be honest. When Mr. Reid was here, she let us talk and at the end of class she gave each of us a sucker! I am not even joking! I think she might have a secret stash in her desk for those kind of moments. Anyways, the first time it happened, we all thought she had been kidnapped and replaced by an alien when she didn't yell at me for being late. However, when the principle left, she practically screamed at a kid for touching her arm. Then she called us worthless and stupid. When she said that, I made a mistake of laughing at something someone had whispered quietly. Mrs. Wheeler glared at me and then she started talking about how children have no respect for the elderly and that we would laugh if she suddenly fell and broke her neck. I'm sure we all wished she did.

   "Well Michelle?" Mrs. Wheelers voice filled my ears once again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

   "Sponge-bob?" I answered, but it came out like a question and I smiled weakly up at her.

   "No! Sir James Dewar was NOT Sponge-bob!" She spat at me. "He was a Scottish chemist and physicist!" I frowned as I realized I wasn't even right about the John part. Oh well. "You children have no respect for the elderly!" Here we go again. "Always paying more attention to children's shows than doing work that I have assigned" I tuned her out after that. These speeches, or rants as I should say, usually last about ten minutes. There was only five until the bell. Five minutes until I was done with high school. Glancing over at Keith, one of my friends, I noticed he was sleeping. He should know by now not to fall asleep with me around, I thought to myself, smirking. Then the bell rang, signalling the end of school. Everyone practically ran out of the classroom to escape Mrs. Wheeler. Everyone except Keith and I. He was still asleep. Mrs. Wheeler was still ranting and writing notes on the board, completely oblivious to the empty classroom. I honestly think she's going deaf. Her vision isn't very good either.

   Quietly, I tiptoed over to Keith's desk as I pulled two sharpies out of my bag; one pink and one purple. I popped off the lids and lifted Keith's head by his hair. He was a heavy sleeper, so I didn't have to worry about waking him up in the process. I quickly did the classic prank and then pulled back his chair, causing me to burst out in a fit of laughter, Keith to wake up and Mrs. Wheeler to turn around.

  "What-" Keith was cut off by our teacher.

"What is going on here?" She demanded as she quickly stalked to the back of the room. It looked kind of scary actually. "Where is my class?"

 Keith and I shared a quick glance before I yelled "Run!"

  We bolted out of the door, in a rush to save ourselves with the monster. I saw a couple people give amused faces to Keith. Others gave confused ones. I would have laughed  if I wasn't running from one of the cruelest teachers on the face of the planet. We didn't stop until we were outside.

   "Michelle!" I heard a familiar voice call to me.

   "Christina!" I replied back to my best friend who was also Keith's girlfriend.

   "What about me?" Keith asked, faking hurt. "I almost got killed in there!"

   "Mrs. Wheeler?" She asked.

   We both nodded our heads, still out of breath.

   "Well lets go then, I bet your starving." She said to Keith .

   He took her hand and pulled her to my car. "You bet I am!" He exclaimed.

   I laughed and sat in the front seat of my black convertible. It was old, but was still in good condition. Christina sat in the back with Keith. It was obvious the Keith would check his hair, but we couldn't have that happen, it would ruin the surprise.

   I was right. We were about a block away from Keith's house before he decided to check his hair. At least he tried to. He was leaning over to look in the mirror when Christina's lips crashed against his. It was obvious he was taken by surprise, but soon he started kissing her back. It was beginning to get past the pg-13 rating, so I decided to step in.

   "We're here!" I sang.

   They pulled apart, slightly out of breath. "Don't worry, you hair looks fine." Christina winked at him and messed up his sandy brown hair slightly.

   Just as Keith began to climb out of the car, a brilliant idea popped into my head.

   "Hey Keith? I really have to use the bathroom. Do you think I could come inside for a minute or two?" I asked him sweetly.

   He nodded his head as I said "Christina, come with me. And bring your phone!"

  "Of course!" She said mischievously.

  We headed inside, but I didn't go to the bathroom. I headed to the living room, where Keith's dad was. Keith followed behind us, slightly suspicious.

   "Keith, I, um, didn't know you were, well, you know." His dad said, clearly he was uncomfortable.

   "What are you talking about dad?" He asked.

   "You might want to look in the mirror son."

   Keith's eyes narrowed as realization hit him. "What did you do?" He asked suspiciously.

   "Not that much. This time. But I must say that is some very manly artwork on your face." I muttered, trying to hide my laughter.

   He ran up the stairs and into the bathroom, Christina and I close behind him.

   His eyes widened and he grabbed a face cloth before trying desperately to wash the words 'Gay and proud of it' off his face along with several flowers on his cheeks.

   "Why won't it come off?" He cried.

   I held up the 'weapons.' Christina and I highfived and that was when he noticed why Christina was told to bring her phone. She was video taping his reaction.


   "I could watch this a hundred times and it would still be funny!" Christina said through giggles. I was wiping tears from my eyes, thats how hard I was laughing. We were watching the video for the third time on Christina's cellphone. Keith, however, was not laughing. He had finally gotten rid of my artwork, but his face was redder than a tomato!

   "Come on Keith! It was funny!" I said. A small smile was working it's way onto his face and soon Keith was laughing along with us.

   "Yeah, I guess I would Laugh if you were in my shoes!" He replied, looking at me.

   "Hey, do you guys want to go paintballing with Keving, John, Alyssa and Nicole?" Christina asked as she read a text over.

   "Do you even have to ask?" Keith joked.

   The three of us loved paintballing. This was going to be fun.

Hey, so I hope you like it! And just so you know, I have nothing against gay people, its just part of the story! Comment, vote, fan!

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