He Mysteriously Came

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(f/n) first name
(l/n) last name
(s/n) name of your older sister
(Warning: This is really crappy.)
You are 22 years old

It was Midsummers night.

You opened the screen door and dragged a chair outside. You saw eveyone from your small town was already in the field. They were all conversing with each other. The only one that saw you come out was (s/n). Like the energetic person she is, she made a huge scene about it.

"Hey (f/n)! Stop being a tortoise and get over here!" Some people were staring at her like she's crazy. Even her husband, Armenia, was wondering why she was so loud.

Why are you even related to her? You were a nice, quiet girl. (S/n) was basically the complete opposite. She was loud and obnoxious. She was your sister after all, so you were forced to keep her.

Three years ago, she finally met her soul mate. His name is Adin Zakarian. He owns the whole Republic of Armenia. The only odd thing about him was that he is about four to five thousand years old. He is actually one of the oldest nations around him. He became independent after breaking away from the Soviet Union. All of this reminded you of Lukas. He also owns a country. Norway. It has been so long since you had that one dream.

That dream where you met Lukas.

When will he come?


All the young girls started to put their flowers under their pillows. You couldn't wait to see what they'll dream about. What will their futures be like? When will Lukas be here? These questions were consintly buzzing inside your heard. There was also one question on your mind that you couldn't bare to answer.

What if Lukas isn't my soul mate?

You immediatley tried to forget about that question.

You walked towards (s/n). She was telling some of the younger ones about the first time her and Adin met. In real life of course. Adin was just standing behind her laughing. It actually sounded like he was dying.

"Three years ago, I took a vacation to Azerbajin. I was staying in the capital city, Stepanakert. This was in the northern part of Azerbajin, which was near Armenia. While I was there, I saw a lot of Armenians roaming the streets. I didn't know where anything was, so I decided to ask one of the Armenians. The man I asked was Adin. We immdiately recognized each other. Oh, the time we spent together.~ It was so romantic!~" she said. Adin was in the backgound laughing like crazy. "Every week, he would come here for a buisness trip. Once he saw me again, he asked me to be his girlfriend. The only thing I could say was yes. We dated for a few months. Then, we got married!~"

Adin tried to but in. But first he tried to calm himself down.

"Okay, let me tell my side of the story!" He sat next to (s/n).

"Three years ago, I was walking in the city of Stepanakert. I decided to just walk around and see the sites. A cute young lady came and asked me where some places were. I immediatley figured that she wasn't from these parts. I remembered seeing her somewhere, a dream maybe? Anyways, I helped her out. I thought she would still need my help, so I stayed with her for the rest of her vacation. I eventually grew strong feelings for her. I learned a lot about her in those few days. I was heart broken when she went back home. I eventually had to go on buisness trips. I always saw (s/n) there. She was always waiting. I wanted to be with her. Eventually, we got married."

You were happy to see (s/n) and Adin together.

"Hey Adin, what about our children?~"

"Our chil- NO!"

Those two. You couldn't help but laugh at them.

All of a sudden, everyone in the field grew silent. You immediately stopped laughing to see what was going on. You looked behind your shoulder to see. It was a man with some sort of troll spirit. You couldn't believe your eyes.

It was Lukas.

It has been along time since you had that one dream, and there he was, just standing in the field. He started to walk towards you. 'Oh my god I'm not ready to see him. What will happen? Oh my god' you kept thinking about these things.

He came up to you and extended his left hand. You grabbed it and stood up. Everyone (including your parents) were watching. You were blushing so hard, your face almost looked like a tomato (Insert Romano in the background plz)

"I told you I would come. I told you I would cross mountains in order to reach you. Did I not?"


"(F/n), I have one question for you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Without thinking, you immediately squeezed him as hard as you could. You were constantly shouting "Yes!" The little troll spirit was circling around the two of you. Then, Lukas kissed you, infront of everyone.

You looked over at your parents. Your mom was welling up with tears. Your dad looked like he wanted to kill Lukas. Of course, you weren't going to let him do it.



(;-;) <--- Your mom
"Oh my god, our baby has finally found herself a man!"

(@-@) <--- Your dad
"Honey, get ma gun."

(good god what am I doing?)

(Yea, i failed. Oh well. I might continue this. We'll see!~)

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