Something Special

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(f/n) first name
(l/n) last name
(f/c) favorite color
(s/f/c) second favorite color
(s/n) sisters name (Yea, I had to include her.)
Its Midsummer! (Again!)
You have been dating Lukas for 6 years now!
Warning: I was very tired when working on this. Beware of grammar and spelling errors.

The sun was shining on the town of Drammen. You were standing on your porch, drinking some tea and taking in the fresh air. You were enjoying it until you heard a loud ring. Lukas was trying to call you on your phone.

"Hallo (f/n)." He said in a monotone voice.

"Hey Lukas. Do you need something?"

"Today is Midsummers. 6 years ago today, we met in person and started dating. I want to take you somewhere special..."

You started to blush "Sounds good. Where to?"

"Its a surprise. I'll pick you up at 4 p.m."

And with that he hung up.

You looked over at the clock hanging in your living room. 3:27. With hestitation, you quickly ran upstairs to get ready.

You decided to go with a long (f/c) color dress that you got for Christmas. Around your waist was a (s/f/c) ribbon that tied in the back. You quickly took off your pajamas and put the dress on infront of the long, narrow mirror that was hanging in your bedroom. The dress looked great on you. It went down to your feet and it covered your whole upper body. After that, you put on some high heels that matched and you were ready to go.

You waited in your living room. It was 3:55. Lukas should be here at anytime.

Then, you heard a loud knock at your door. You knew it was your boyfriend here to take you on a romantic date. You couldn't wait to see him.

Once you opened the door, you found Lukas standing there, holding a boquet of (fav flowers).

Lukas was wearing a black suit, a red tie, and one of the flowers from the boquet in his suit pocket. Of course, his hair was pulled back on one side with a cross barret. He was handsome. (As always)

"Hallo, min kærlight."

"Hey Lukas!"

"Are you ready to go?"

"As always."

Lukas drove the two of you to Oslo. He parked his car on the side of street. The two of walked along the busy streets of the city.

The two of you stopped at a fancy resturant. Well-dressed couples were sitting at tables inside and outside, all speaking Norwegian. (You came all the way from Sweden. You only know a little bit of Norwegian.) Lukas opened the resturant door like a gentleman. You both walked up to the cash register and asked for a reservation for two. A waitress with long, red hair led you and Lukas to your table. You and Lukas took your seats, you were sitting across from him. The waitress handed you some menus.

"So Lukas, is this your 'surprise'." You asked

"Nope." He said in calm voice.

"I see. What else are we going to do tonight?"

"You'll see."

You looked down at the menu. There were so many choices!  You were trying to decide on what to get until Lukas interrupted.

"Is there anything you want?" He asked me.

"I don't know what to get. Here, just order for the both of us." You studdered with your words.

The waitress with the long red hair came over to our table, notebook and pen in her hand, and asked us what our order was.

"We'll both have some Reinsdyrsteik."

"Alright! Your order should be ready soon." The waitress grinned and left.

While you were waiting, you were talking to Lukas about your plans for the future, meaning what you were going to do with your career. About 8 minutes later, the two of you grew silent. You didn't know what to talk about.

From the corner of your eye, you could see Lukas smiling. He didn't really show any emotion. This was actually surprising to see.

"God, you're beautiful." He whisper.

This made you blush. "T-thank you Lukas."

"Jeg elsker deg..."


The two of you walked back to the car. You didn't really know where Lukas was going to take you.

Eventually, you feel asleep after 5 minutes of driving.


You woke up in the passanger seat. After a few minutes, Lukas stopped the car.

You immediately realized that he brought you back to your hometown.

From a distance, you could see everyone in the field. Friends, family, even your sister (s/n). Personally you didn't want to see her. She was too energetic for you to handle.

People from the field gathered around to welcome you and Lukas. (S/n) was pretty much just screaming like crazy while Adin was tring to calm her down.

After greeting family members, you and Lukas walked toward a lake that was nearby. The view was absolutely breath-taking.

"Lukas, thank you for this! It's great to be back home!" You said to Lukas.

"This isn't even the surprise."

"It's not? What is it?"

Lukas gave a loud sigh.

"(F/n), you know we've been together for a few years now."

You nodded

"Well, in those few years, I have fallen madly in love with you. When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were the most beautifl girl in the world and that no one else mattered. You're something special. You're both beautiful inside and out."

Your eyes started to tear up. "Lukas..."

"I guess God does amazing things."

This was literally the sweetest thing you have ever heard in your life.

"I love you more than anyone else living on this earth. Nothing will change the way I feel about  you..." He said in a very quiet voice.

"So (f/n) (l/n)..." Lukas kneeled down on one knee. He took a small velvet box out of his suit pocket and opened it, in it showed a beautiful diamond ring. He looked directly into your eyes. "Will you marry me?"

You cupped both of your hands into your face and gasped in surprise.

"Yes!" You hugged him tightly. "Of course I'll marry you!"

Lukas hugged you back.

"Jeg elsker deg, (f/n)." Lukas whispered into your ear.

"Jeg elsker deg og." You replied back.

After that, Lukas pulled you in for a passionate kiss.



Wow, it's been awhile since I updated this story. I'm getting really lazy.

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