Chapter 1: Nothing Bad Ever Happens In Mystic Falls

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The Other Gilbert

Chapter 1: Nothing Bad Ever Happens in Mystic Falls

Dear Diary,

Today is the first day going back to school after the accident. It's the start of our Junior year and I'm already not feeling it. Elena and Jeremy have been taking our parents death terribly. Aunt Jenna came to live with us after everything happened. The true mystery to me is how I'd survived at all. I was in the car with my parents after going to the school bonfire. My father lost control and drove us right off Wickery Bridge. That was the last time I'd ever seen my parents alive. Some say it's a miracle, I call it punishment. I'm stuck here on earth mourning my parents death. It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be this hard... All I can tell myself is to get up every morning, put on a fake smile, and tell the world I'm fine, I'll be fine. I'm Roxanne Gilbert daughter of Miranda and Grayson Gilbert. This is my life and I'll chose how I start to live it. This is my story, not Elena's, not Jeremy's not even my best friend Bonnie's.. This is my story..

After writing the last line I shut the diary and set it on my bookshelf. My twin sister Elena shared a room with me and Jeremy was right next to us connecting us through the bathroom we shared. Elena had gotten up for school early that morning. She's been trying to get back to her life before the accident. I couldn't help but think maybe it was the best thing for everyone if we just started over pretending like nothing ever happened. We had to get our lives back together. Jeremy started his drug phase already at 15. Elena and I have tried stopping him, we've tried everything there is, but nothing seems to work. Aunt Jenna says he'll get over it, she had that phase when she was in high school.

Presently it's about 6:45 in the morning. I'm in my room making sure I didn't forget anything for today. I looked at myself in the long mirror standing tall by our dresser. I'm wearing a pair of jean shorts, a plain cut up grey t-shirt, and a black and white plaid shirt over top. I match it with my loose black buckle combat boots. I don't know why, but all I ever decide to wear are dark colors. I grab my black shoulder bag and walk down to the kitchen making sure Jeremy is already up and ready to go. Elena is sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal while Aunt Jenna prepares some coffee. Jeremy is on the couch playing a video game while trying to eat his cereal which makes me laugh slightly. I walk past Jenna and grab myself a cup of coffee, it's my salvation to living now.

"You kids and coffee now a days." Jenna shakes her head with a smile. "Do you have everything for school? Lunch money, pencils..."

"Yeah we've got everything Jenna, we'll be fine. Bonnie's going to give us a ride to school." I smiled at our frantic aunt. "Jer are you coming with us.."

"That answers your question." Jenna pointed to the front door where Jeremy was slipping outside without mentioning it to us. "We'll I've got to run, major presentation today. Don't wanna be late! See you both at dinner."

"Bye Jenna." Elena called after her setting her bowl in the sink and grabbing her brown shoulder bag. "So are we going?"

"Your getting ahead of yourself Elena. I just want you to be sure your ok." I shrugged stopping her from walking past me.

"I'll be fine Roxanne." She nodded walking out the front door with me right behind her.

It's strange how we look so much alike. There's not even a difference in our facial structures. Our hair is brown but Elena almost always has hers straight, mine today was curled lightly. Our style isn't that different either. Today she was wearing darker blue flare jeans, a white tank top, a red top over it and a black leather jacket. Her converse matched her jacket perfectly. The only thing different about us were our eyes. Elena had deep brown eyes, while I had a shade of a dark purplish black. Everyone I knew thought it was strange. They'd never seen an eye color like mine and neither had I.

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