Chapter 19: Miss Mystic Falls

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Chapter 19: Miss Mystic Falls

"You are not dropping out of this competition Roxanne." Elena repeated to me over and over again.

"I know I signed up, but things are just difficult now, and I don't have time." I sighed.

"No, you are taking time off to be a normal teenage girl! The one that loved doing this kind of stuff." She nodded and I groaned.

"Easy for you to say, mom never made you do anything." I replied plopping myself on my bed.

"That's because you were always good at it." She said pushing me aside so she could sit with me.

"But there's so much I would need to prepare for." I sighed laying down with my legs off the edge of my bed.

"I'll help, we'll go dress shopping and buy the perfect dress.." She smiled.

"I've had one for months." I responded pointing to the dress bag in my closet. "Mom picked it out remember?"

"Yeah I remember." She sighed. "Well what about Stefan, you need a dance partner and escort and who better then Stefan!"

"Don't you want to go with Stefan, like together as a date?" I asked confused.

"I was planning on it, but you need him more then me... And he's totally going to be on board with it." She smiled.

"Stefan doesn't dance.." I started.

"Stefan will do anything for his best friend, and if he doesn't do it for you he'll do it for me." She reassured me.

"Ok, fine... Fine I'll do it." I sighed and she jumped up in happiness.

"I'll go call Stefan." She smiled and I rolled off my bed to stand up and find my journal.

Dear Diary,

Where do I begin? Well let's start with some normal stuff teenagers would write in their journals. Bonnie's back in town again and she's not that mad at me any more, for reasons that don't include normal teenage lifestyles. Tyler won't talk to me ever since I confronted his dad at the founder's party. Which all I was trying to do was help him, but no, he doesn't want my help! Now on to the huge stuff. Elena got me to agree to keep competing in the Miss Mystic Falls competition. I know it's what mom would have wanted and she would have loved to see me in the dress she picked out, but it's just not the same. Elena thinks getting a new dress might help and having Stefan as my escort will help. Honestly I just want it to be over with, this isn't me any more. Now going on to supernatural things. Uncle John knows a lot about vampires, and it's getting a little suspicious. He threatened Damon and Alaric for no reason, I could just punch him. Stefan is different, he's better, but so different. I honestly just want to forget what happened and move on, just deal with the vampires. But every inch of my body won't let me get involved... Which is weird, and I need to know why. So I guess that's all for now, I'll let you know how Miss Mystic goes... Later!

I shut my journal and put it back under the floor board in my room. Nobody knows that that floor board can be lifted up. Well maybe my parents did, but I keep all my valuable things down there. I put it back and realized something was different, somebody had been in that secret hole. My vervain necklace was sitting nicely on my memory box. I picked it up and slid the floor board back in place. I clipped the latch back around my neck and stood up to look at it in the mirror. It didn't smell like vervain was in it. I opened the locket and a tiny folded note fell to the ground. I smiled slightly picking it up. "Thought you might want this back, just remember how valuable this necklace is... Without it, you'll never control your own life. -Damon" what did he mean by never control my life? Is that why I've been acting strange, was I compelled to do what Damon said?

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