Chapter 19: Welcoming New Additions

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"I can't believe you are actually doing this?" Jessie said for what felt like the hundredth time since I told her I had agreed to move out that weekend.

Being realistic and mature about the situation, it was practical and probably the best way to do it. Being in close quarters forced us to get to know each other better and gives us more chance of benefitting the both of us in the long run. Although for some odd juvenile reason, I was still very annoyed by the idea - a fact that I was sure to get back at him for.

"I'm going to miss you Jess." I gave her a brief hug.

"Just please tell me you aren't cooking?"

I gave her a pointed stare. "I am a great cook." I defended myself.

Shall we visit exhibit a? You bleed into the spaghetti.

"Sky, you burnt your toast this morning."

And let's not forget your habit to confuse Sugar and Salt.

"Point taken." I nodded my head, submitting to Jessie and my inner self's arguments. "I'll stay away from the kitchen."

Packing up all of my personally belongings, I managed to fill only a few boxes. All of the big stuff like my bed and furniture was left at what was now Jessie's apartment but I took a few other things that I was sure Anthony would throw out the moment he spotted it.

Things like my excessive amount of coloured candles that was sure to brighten up his apartment. The decent sized colourful paintings that I had collected over the years and lets not forget the casual clothes and beanies that he has already threatened to burn.

With the company car at my disposal, the driver and I quickly loaded up the car with my three boxes and helped me fill the lift, allowing me to take my belongings up into the top floor apartment on top of the grand hotel.

I still found it a little strange to be living in a hotel, or as the driver put it 'on top' of the hotel.

Kicking the last of my boxes into the apartment, I looked around hearing the annoying buzzing sound of a vacuum.

Someone cleaning your new house, yep, totally plus!

This may not be that bad after all. I nodded to myself and thought I'd make myself known. I walked further into the room to see a young and very tanned woman dancing along with the vacuum. I quickly noticed the earphones in her ears and smiled knowing the moment she saw it was probably going to scream.

I stepped forward and waved my hand hand a little hoping the movement would catch her attention.

"Holy Shit!" She swore in a British accent as she held up the vacuum as if it was going to suck up my face.

I like her already.

"How did you get in here?!" She demanded of me.

I chuckled a little unable to stop myself from being amused. "I'm Skylar Martin, I'm moving in today." I clarified for her.

She flinched a little and frowned deeply. "This is the Boss' apartment."

Another woman appeared from behind her, she was older, her hair blond and beginning to grey at the sides. She looked at me with slight surprise before a small glint of recognition passed across her brown eyes.

"You must be Sky. My name is Jean. I'm head of house keeping her at Lustrous. This is Rena, she cleans most of the top floor apartments." Jean explained as she walked further into the room towards me.

"Hi. Nice to meet you both." I smiled and nodded.

This is the interview with Renner all over again. Your smiling and nodding only creeps' people out, how many times do I have to tell you this?

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