Part Four✔️

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{picture - Grey's cabin}

There comes a time in life, when one realizes that childhood has ended. Whatever causes this realization, that thing, that event is unforgettable and it looms in the back of one's head and causes a hatred to bloom for this one specific thing. A hatred forming for that one event, good or bad, that caused the sweet facade of life to fade away and in its place the ability to see life as it is. To accept that life is tough and that childhood was an intricately spun web of lies and details, all created in order to protect one from the harsh realities that is adulthood; this is an extremely hard thing to do but when it is accepted, everything isn't as bad anymore for some strange reason.

And Grey's first reaction to an end to childhood, was to cry, to deny everything she'd just been told and run. Run far away from this life and back to the one she lived before all this, where everything was normal and good. But there was something, something buried within the depths of her beating heart that told her to stay, and that something good had to come of all of this. So that was what lead Grey and Petra to the forest, where Grey stood shivering beneath the falling snow while Petra seemed perfectly fine as she stripped down to nothing but her skivvies.

Grey was shaking, not only from the freezing cold but from the fear that rattled her to the core of what was to come of this discovery. Her entire life had been a lie, all the bedtime stories had been true, there were creatures that shouldn't exist lurking around the world. These beasts were everywhere according to Petra. If it was possible, Grey felt further away from sanity than she did before and all that seemed to be missing now was a glass slipper or a talking teacup.

"Are you ready?" Petra's voice broke Grey's thoughts, soft and cautious, as if Grey would break with the wrong tone of voice.

Grey nodded, not trusting her voice and Petra gave the girl a weak smile before closing her eyes and sucking in a breath.

For a moment, there was silence in the forest that calmed Grey before it was broken by a guttural groan from Petra's throat along with a snap. Grey flinched. The girl's next scream and dislocation of a bone in her arm drowned out of the sound of Grey's phone ringing in her pocket, her eyes unable to leave Petra's form. She fell to the ground next, moaning in pain as sharp claws grew from her fingertips and she dug them into her own back, ripping the skin there to reveal bloodied blonde fur. The bones beneath Petra's patches of skin and fur could be seen moving, snapping and reshaping themselves into an entirely new being. Then the most gruesome thing seemed to happen; the finale.

Grey felt nauseous and lightheaded when Petra's eyes rolled out of her skull and fell to the ground, even more so when her jaw snapped and her teeth fell from her bloody gums. Out of her broken jaw, came a snout that was bearing it's sharp teeth in a growl, following that, came a head with eyes the color of a flame shining bright. Once the head was completely out of Petra's body, it began to shake it own body, causing blood and skin and shards of bone to fly off her fur and into the air.

Then, the night became silent around them, the air cool as snow continued to flutter down from the sky. The white snowflakes surrounded two bodies and nipped at one's skin and settled in the other's fur. In front of Grey stood a beast in bloodied snow; a gigantic, blonde wolf that stared at her with it's head cocked to the side, it's tail and ears perked up in attention.


The wolf chuffed at the sound of it's name and Grey laughed the slightest at the noise. A wave of dizziness hit her like a truck and she swayed on her feet, a twisting feel in her gut. Her eyes fluttered as she stared at the wolf and blinked again and again.

"I think I'm gonna be-"

Grey was cut off as her body hunched over and convulsed, the food from earlier staining the snow. She gagged and gasped as it came up again and she swayed on her feet, her legs shaking.  Petra whined at the sight and trotted over to her, nudging her legs making Grey stumble and almost fall as her body heaved again, this time nothing coming up. The wolf nudging her whined louder this time and the heavy crunching of snow approached them.

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