Part Twenty Four✔️

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{translations in the comments!
also i was totally gonna upload the prologue to Atlas but wattpad wanted to be a hoe and delete my prologue so now i have to rewrite it but it kinda works out because i've been wanting to make the people a little more "savage" or throw it back in time a little bit so ya girls about to do some MAJOR editing it's lit!!
M xx}

He watched Grey whirl around and the eyes of the beast land on him. Her eyes were wide with confusion as she pressed her back against Alexei, her hand seeking his behind her. His eyes glared down at their interlocked fingers, ignoring the burning gaze from the beast.

"Dimitri, what are you doing out here?" Grey spoke soft as the beast behind her only growled and glared. He did not like another male getting close to what was his, let alone stand there like he was challenging him.

"Saving you that's what I'm doing, Grey." He spoke strong, voice full of confidence and lacking fear. "If you leave with him you will die."

Grey was growing angry fast. "What? Dimitri what is this about?"

"Back off, pup." The growl shook the beast's chest making Grey shiver against him. "Know your place."

"My place beneath you? Me acting as if you were my Alpha?" He laughed a dark laugh. "Fuck you, mate. That so-called 'place' was destroyed the minute you killed my love, my bonded." Dimitri was vicious, he had no ounce of kindness left in his body, eyes black pools of resentment towards Alexei.

"Sledit' za svoim yazykom mal'chik," Alexei's words were like poison on the tip of a serpent's sinister tongue. "Ili ya uberi eto."

"Da khishchnik, dalit' moy yazyk pered devushkoy, kotoruyu utverzhdayut, chto lyubyat. Pokazat' yey, chto vy na a zver'. Pokazat' yey, grekhi chto proklyatiye ne mozhet skryt'. Dat' yey povod dlya zapuska."

Alexei was quick to move Grey behind him, a growl so vicious leaving his lips that it just about shook the whole ground. The world around them seemed to stop at the sound of his warning, everything grew silent. Grey didn't dare loosen her grip on his hand, she knew it was one of the only things holding him back and she wasn't about to let him hurt Dimitri in any way.

"Alexei." She murmured under the sharp gaze of Dimitri. "Just turn away. Don't let it take over, please. Breathe, my beast."

And just like that, Alexei's attention was focused solely on the girl who was staring at him as he turned to face her. He was fully ready to take the girl home and to places beyond. Nothing - no one - could separate them as long as he had a say, especially not this little boy who lived in the past. Grabbing Grey by both her hands, her pulled them up to place a kiss upon each hand. He'd grown so fond of the human girl, it was probably unhealthy for someone to feel so strongly towards another. She was his weakness, and while he accepted it, fate would have it that no one as hated as a beast like him, would have a weakness that wouldn't end in his ruin.

Her eyes were only on him. On those beautiful eyes of his that never failed to take her breath away and mesmerize her. He was her only focus, her only care in the world. Maybe if she hadn't been so entranced, maybe if she hadn't asked him to turn away, maybe if she had just gone home like he'd asked, everything could've been avoided.

The way all the breath in his lungs left him to fan across her hand that he had just placed a kiss upon. The way his eyes grew wide and the blazing blue seemed to dull and the flame in them fade away and in its place were bland ashes. The way crimson blood trickled from his mouth and left a trail from those full lips of his, all the way down his chin to drip down his neck. The way his body in front of her tensed and yet his grip on her hands lost it's strength. The way he lost his strength. His life.

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