Part Fourteen✔️

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{here he is. the wonderful, the rude-at-first-but-is-totally-sweet, older brother of the beast. (His name is revealed in this chapter) portrayed by Jon Kortajarena. *major heart eyes*}
(this throws back before Grey woke up and was almost choked to death by the brother)

He had traveled back to the little cabin that the girl had resided in after leaving her sleeping on a bed. The journey wasn't too long, but with clever trees changing the winding paths and the up and downhill parts, it proved tiring. All he wanted to do was return back to the girl, despite his attempts to push these strange feelings down, they always resurfaced. He despised it and her for making him feel these things.

Coming upon the cabin, he had not expected it to be buzzing with life. He could see them all in there yelling, their faces etched with worry. He recognized Klara's calm face amidst the chaos, shaking her head at something the skinny blonde girl was yelling. The boy who he'd attacked before, Dimitri, was leaned against the couch inside staring at his shoes as a little blonde girl ran around, her tiny voice humming reached his ears along with the others argument.

"I know he has her, babushka!" Petra yelled. "You know it too yet you sit here and let us do nothing!"

Klara stared at the girl. "If khishchnik does have her, then we cannot get her back. This same thing happened years ago and the girl never returned, Petra. Let her go."

"No!" Petra yelled, tears brimming her eyes. "This is my fault! I can't sleep at night because all I see when I close my eyes is her in Ethen's position. Laying lifeless in her own blood and her eyes-"

She choked on her own words and began to sob, Dimitri moved to her side, wrapping his arms around her so she wouldn't collapse.

All eyes were on Petra as she had her meltdown but his eyes were on the little girl who had made her way out of the cracked back door and stood on the back porch staring at him. Her little eyes gave away no fear, but curiosity as she took a step off the back porch. He growled at her in warning but she only smiled a wide smile with many missing teeth. Then, she giggled and ran inside, gaining the attention of Klara who's eyes immediately found his.

She excused herself and made her way to the trees in front of him. "Why have you returned?"

"I came to retrieve her things."

She pursed her lips. "Are there no clothes left from-"

The growl that rumbled in his chest was a warning. "Give me her things and I will be gone."

Klara nodded, hurrying inside and returning back outside with empty hands, he growled at the sight. "I put her things outside her window. If Petra saw me touching her things, she'd throw another fit."

He huffed. "Keep her under control, Klara."

"She will come searching for Grey." Klara said with sad eyes. "No amount of magic can stop her from loving that girl you've got in your castle. When she comes for her, don't you dare harm her."

"My actions depend on hers. If she barges into my territory trying to take what's mine, I will not hesitate to kill her. Your blood or not, if she tries to take her it will be her blood on the ground."

"I know."

• • •

"What the fuck were thinking?" His brother glared at him from where he stood in front of the stove. "Bringing a girl here, let alone a human girl!"

"She knew we existed thanks to her own curiosity." He said with a bored tone. "She has a camera and she captured a picture of me shifting."

His brother's eyes grew wide. "You shifted out in the open?"

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