He's The Boss

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I tried to slow my breathing down so as to not blow my cover, waiting for my partner for tonight, also my best friend, Violet, to give me the all clear. She is currently back at our headquarters where I know my father, Charles Lombardo, is watching and waiting to see if I can successfully fulfill this bust tonight.

The Dresden Enterprises owes us money; their company borrowing money from our, well, organization, if you want to call it that. They passed their due date and as me being in charge of our money business, I've come to collect what belongs us. "Vi, can you open door one?" I ask, hand on the door knob, waiting for the okay to enter.


I slowly opened the door, letting it quietly close behind me as I kept low to the ground and found the next door. Before I could ask for it to be open I heard the boisterous laughter of a man, hearing footsteps nearing I looked everywhere for a place to hide. I took shelter behind a wooden crate, waiting until the door opened and closed to pop out and look around.
My eyes were struggling to see in the dimly lit room, focusing on the head of the man I was sent to 'shake down'. I slowly and silently began walking towards him, slipping my gun from my waistband before wrapping my arm around his neck and pressing the barrel of the gun to his temple. I bent down a bit, my lips hovering against his ear as I spoke, "Hello John, miss me?" He chuckled before I cocked the gun, tensing as I pressed harder into the side of his head, "I didn't know I was so comical, now let's skip the formalities and get down to business. Where is the money?"

"I don't recall what money you're speaking of." I rolled my eyes at his obvious lie, tsking before hitting the side of his head with the but of my gun, keeping it firm in my hand incase I needed to use it.
I began my search through the cabinets and found a laptop, I groaned at having to sit through Vi explaining how to hack and decided to just take the laptop with me. Removing my earpiece, I rose from the chair and walked around to stand in front of him, raising my gun and pulling the trigger. I turned and walked out, figuring his workers would be here in the morning to find him. I continued on my way back to my car, setting the laptop in the seat beside me as I continued on my way to HQ. When I arrived I was greeted by my father and Vi's dad, Andy, both looked pleased at the sight of me with the laptop. I quickly walked over to Violet's station and sat the laptop down on the table before slipping my jacket off and walking into the the meeting room where my mother and vi's mom, Angie, sat flipping through a catalog. Once I stepped in my mother ran over and hugged me, pressing a kiss to my forehead before checking to see I was okay.
My brother, Ty, walked in and I wiped the smile off my face, looking to him before he shook his head and went to his office. I knew he probably wasn't happy I went in alone, nor with the fact I had killed the man, but he'd soon be over it and glad to have the money back in our pockets.

"Camilla, can I talk to you for a quick second?" Ty asks, waving me into his office.

Sharing a look with Vi, who is typing away at the laptop, I hop up, trudging my way in there. No attitude, Camilla. Remember that. Taking a deep breath while closing his door, I hear him clear his throat.

I turn, seeing his hands clasped together on top of his dark wooden desk, an unreadable expression in his eyes.

"Camilla, you're my baby sister, and I know how much you w-,"

I cut him off, walking up to his desk and saying, "Oh no, Ty, you don't get to do this to me. You know I work my butt off for this position, and you know I'm good at what I do. Don't pull this on me. I'm your sister, not some random flop that Dad hired."

He gives me his signature look and replies, "You know he doesn't hire flops. But, I see you; you do work hard. And that's why, even though I might be a bit dubious about it, I know you're the perfect soldier for the job. I trust you to fulfill your tasks, take orders, and do what you need to do for the better of this organization."

I tilt my head to the side, quirking an eyebrow at him before shaking my head. "You've never given me orders, why start now?"

"Camilla, you're taking a leadership position. This mob business... this is serious work here. You can't just run around anymore, letting Vi hack into whatever. You're in charge of that department now. You've got a boss, and it's me. I'm not going to be tough, cause I know that you know what you're doing. Just simple orders. Nothing you could mess up, anyways," he replies with a light smile.

I shake my head, not truly believing what he's saying, and turn to leave. I steal a glance over my shoulder before opening the door and slamming it closed behind me.

Immediately Vi is beside me, her worrisome blue eyes looking towards the door. "What'd he say?" she asks.

"Just making it known he's the boss, the normal." I say with a tight smile.

She laughs, being around my brother her whole life, well, she knows how he can be. "Course he did. When does he not let us know that? Anyways, I found something pretty interesting on that guy's computer."

I nod, crossing my arms and wait to hear the news, catching myself doing my father's signature stance. Focusing on the topic at hand, she told me what it was I nodded, waiting until she told me it was something she'd already put in his file. I walked back to my desk, sitting down and kicking my feet up on the wooden surface, my eyes watching over all the people. We had a good organization here, my family and I, sure we had the occasional idiot who tried to take money from us but it was stopped every time.

"Hey princess, can we talk?" I jerked up and nodded at my father, leaving my chair and following him to his office like a wounded puppy.

"Yes?" I saw his smile slip away and I knew I was in for it, my father was many things, a family man was the most important.

"It's been brought to my attention that their might be a confusion between you and your brother." I sat down, knowing this conversation would be a long one.

"I put him in charge for a reason, you know that right? " I nodded at his words, remembering why my brother has the title of boss.

I cleared my throat before reciting what I told myself over and over again. "He's boss because he's older. He's boss because he's stronger. He's boss because he's got what it takes. I know the routine."

I watched Charles quirk an eyebrow before sighing, "He's your brother. We stick together, you know that."

I nodded, sighing before smiling at him, "I get it. Okay, you don't have to go all Ohana on me. I'll talk to Ty."

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