The End

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                                                                                             {Ty's POV}

"Had to leave home, come out here at ten. I had to freeze my but off, all for a freaking ham. Because we just have to have a ham. Can't go without a ham on Thanksgiving!"
I loved my Ma, she's great and the best I could ask for, but she has no idea how cold it is right now. Here I am, on my way to HQ to get a ham on Thanksgiving Day. I felt my phone buzz, checking to see it was a message from Ma telling me to be safe and make it quick. I didn't reply, knowing that she'll see where I read it.

Okay Ty, let's get through this Thanksgiving and then you're gone. New places to see and people to meet. I turned the corner, remembering that I need to check with Vi on who was in the car that was following me. She said that apparently he had been casing the place for a while, surveillance cameras show him continuously near me. I set myself a reminder to talk to her tonight at dinner. I continued on my way, tucking my hands into my sweatpants getting the feeling that someone was watching me. I knew better than to be like the dumb people in movies, whip around real fast before taking off running.

I stopped walking, grabbing my phone and pretending to talk before looking around with a smile on my face like it was the best conversation I'd ever had. I saw the same car from before, the driver's face was hidden so I couldn't tell exactly who it was. I called Cami, waiting for her to answer before continuing to walk to HQ.

"Cami, I need you not to alert mom and dad but get in your car and come pick me up." I spoke softly and calmly. I heard the slam of a door, figuring she went somewhere less noisy.

"What is going on Ty?! Are you being followed?!" I kept my mouth shut, before ducking into a coffee shop and sitting down in a booth. I hung up and sent her a text about where I was, knowing I could get the ham and make it back here before she arrived. I waved at the clerk, leaving out the back door before taking off. I turned the last corner and saw the old brick building waiting for me, whipping my head around when I heard the screeching of tires. I kept running, mentally cursing myself for not grabbing my gun.

I heard the shot before feeling pain spread through my leg, whipping around to see a CPD hat resting on his head. I was curious as to why one of them was shooting me, knowing that we pay them all to be on our side. His face was the last thing I saw before the gun rang out twice, another set of tires screeching as my phone buzzed in my pocket. My mind went to my family and then everyth...

                                                                                       {Cami's POV}

I waited at the coffee shop until I heard shots, watching the people inside look out before ducking again. I pulled out, swerving around the corner before seeing a man lying on the floor and a car pulling away. I pulled my gun out, shooting out the tires in the back before watching him run away. I shot again, watching him stagger as it lodged into his calf. I pulled the car onto the side of the road, going and looking at the body laying on the ground. I fell to the ground, seeing my brother laying there with his eyes closed but his chest still rising.

"Ty!" I breathed out, my eyes brimming with tears before I crawled over to him. I brought him into my lap, patting his face before seeing his eyes trying to open. "Ty, open your eyes now. You open your eyes and you get up, y-you have t-to get the ham and we have to go see the f-family and....and Grams has to ask you why you don't have a girlfriend a-and you have to tell her i-i-it's because no one strong enough to handle the family business."

I looked over to see the man continue to hobble away, shooting once more into his shoulder before he whipped around and I could see the CPD logo on his cap.

"TY, TY WAKE UP! You need to get up, momma's gonna kill me if you don't wake up!"

I pressed on his shirt, waiting for the bleeding to stop before I saw blood soak his shirt and my hands. I don't remember what happened after that, only some things were clear. I remember a young man trying to get me away from him, to take my brother's body from me. I remember holding my gun at his head, dropping it when I realized what he was trying to do. Ty was gone, and I was the only one who knew. I saw the red and blue lights, I heard the loud talking of the crowd and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't give my brother the decency of coverage right now.

"M'am, please let us take him. We can he-" I rose the gun at the police officer, going to pull the trigger when nothing came out. Not a single bullet came out, I threw it at him before laying over my brother. I needed my mother, I needed my family here. I needed my dad to tell me what to do.

"Camilla! Ty!" I whipped my head up to see my mother's face in shock, my dad pushing through people in front of her. She stopped when she made it in the circle, seeing my brother's body and my deadpan expression.

"H-He's gone. I didn't get here in time, I didn't get to save him this time. T-those.....pigs killed him mama. Those damned pigs shot and killed him. T-th-" I couldn't speak anymore, the words just wouldn't come out. Dad tried to pull her away from it, to try and shield her from seeing Ty's body, cops were trying to make room for the gurney and everything went in slow motion. The car ride, the questions, everything was set in slow motion.


                                                                                        ~Elapsed time~

I was sitting there in the police department, handcuffs on my hands because I am 'unstable and an endanger to those around me'. My dad was in the office with some man, my mother was beside me with a blank expression on her face. I screamed again, kicking the side of a desk and sending papers into the air. I didn't stop, even when the cops came and tried to restrain my legs as well. My dad stepped out, pushing them off of me before pulling me to a sitting position and squatting to be eye level

"Camilla. Stop. Now." I looked up, quaking with anger before I was escorted to my personal vehicle. I sat in the back, my mother staring out the window as my father drove us home. No one spoke, I knew once we got home there would be so many questions. So many things to say and do, so many people to talk too. I looked down, seeing the dried blood on my hands and the blood across my shirt and pants. I needed Vi, I needed someone to vent to. I needed my rock....what I really needed was Ty, and he wasn't coming home.

"Charles, Shondelle! What happened?! Where is your brother Camilla?!"

I looked at all of them, my family and Vi's family. I looked at all of their shocked and worrisome faces before walking up the stairs into his room, I flopped onto his bed, sliding under his messed up covers before letting my facade crumble. Before letting everything out, I buried my head into his pillow, screaming at the top of lungs until my throat was sore and nothing but squeaks were coming out. I heard the door open, not even bothering to do something. I felt the bed dip beside me, a warmth cover the side of me before my I looked up. I saw my father's face covered in tears for the first time, I saw the strongest man I knew broken. I remember hearing the door downstairs close before my mother walked into the room. She closed and locked the door, coming and laying her head on my side. I remember falling asleep with my parents sobs in my ears, wishing this would all be some sick dream and I was about to wake up.

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