Chapter 14

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"Li-Liam?" I heard from behind me. I noticed the voice and turned around, now looking at the angel named Zayn. I kept a straight face on and looked into his eyes. "Liam?"

"Yes, Zayn." I said plainly. Zayn walked closer to me and I walked backwards. He got the note and stopped walking. We stood there in complete and awkward silence until Zayn spoke.

"I'm sorry." 

"For what?"

"Yo-your parents." Zayn said. My heart stopped beating, thinking about my parents still caused me some pain. 

"It's alright. It's not your fault." I said. Zayn's emotionless face continued moving as his mouth started speaking.

"But I feel like it is." Zayn lowered his head and looked on the floor. I stayed back, not wanting to harm Zayn. Even though it was Zayn, I didn't know if I couldn't trust myself to be near him.

"It's not. Zayn, you didn't kill them."

"And a freak explosion from nowhere did. I know that didn't just happen."


"No Liam. Tell me the truth." I didn't know if I was hallucinating but it looked like Zayn was cracking. Cracking like glass.

"Zayn," I sighed, "the truth is... W-Wakkila did it." At her name, my hands balled into fists. Zayn gave me a certain stare and I could see his cracked skin growing. "Zayn?"

"I'm going to kill her." Zayn said. His hands balled into fists and he eyed glowed gold. My emotions changed from sadness to anger when I saw them. I reached into my backpack and pulled out the knife. Slowly walkeding closer to Zayn, I held it behind my back. "Why would someone just kill someone's family like that?" he said, frustrated.

"I don't know Zayn.... I don't know." I said. Zayn's eyes closed in frustration and the crack started closing. I knew what that meant. Zayn was about to use Dark Magic. I found that out in the Scrolls.

Witch Info #43-B

If a witch has crack in their skin, it means they're Dark. It means they haven't used Dark Magic in a while. When it starts to heal, it means they have used Dark Magic recently.

I got angered more at that. Zayn is Dark. And Dark don't get to survive. Neither do Light. 

I stood up behind Zayn and held the knife behind my back. He felt my body behind him and turned around. 

"Liam, what are you doing?" he said. His blank face showed no emotion. Dark witches don't show emotion either. I held the knife tighter. "What's behind your back."

"A little surprise for you Zayn." I took my open hand and grabbed his. For some reason, my anger started vanishing slowly. Was it because I held Zayn's hand? I looked into Zayn's eyes and noticed them changing to green again. I was shocked by this and stood back, his hand still in mine. I loosened my hand around my knife and it fell to the ground. "Shit."

"What?" Zayn said. He went around me and found my weapon in the ground. His eyes bulged and his hands slipped out of mine. He took a step back. His brown and green eyes watering. "Li-Li- Liam? What's that?" he stuttered.

"Zayn, its nothing."

"It's nothing nothing. Its a fucking knife!" Zayn yelled back. The crack in his skin started healing faster and faster. Out of nowhere, a wind blew. And it was really hard.

"Zayn stop!" I begged.

"You were going to kill me. That's the surprise? How could you!"

"Zayn, I couldn't help it."

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