Never Let Me Go.

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  • Dedicated to My Mother for never letting me Quit!!! (Well only once and we got that fixed!!!)

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Oh and shotout to:



    CHAPTER 1: Kidnapped and loving it? Not!!! 

               ' Mom, I'm going for a run." I yell to her our old fashion Kitchen.

                My mom Mary walked into the room from the living area. My mom is beautiful with long flowing blond hair and pretty blue eyes,  fair skinned and very tall. Me on the other hand have Dark brown hair intense green eyes an oval shaping face and am average height wise.  I know where did I etr my looks from? Supposedly my Dad, but he died ten years ago, so I really don't know.

                 " Please be careful." She says concerned.

                  " I will, Mom I always am." I tell her reassuringly.

                  " I know... It's just I have a bad feeling today." She says worryingly rubbing her arms up and down.

                   " Mom."I say as I walk towards her. "I will be fine, okay?" I say as I hug her thightly.

                    She looks at me with worried eyes but says."Okay."

                    I go to the fridge and grab a water bottle and head out the back door of our old farm house.

                  I know why am I running in the woods? Well first of all there is a well worn trail that I follow and we never get sighting of any animals harming anything . It's really weird its as if they're not even there sometimes. It's a long standing joke that they're is werewolf's out here, killing all the animals.'

                 I pull out my ipod and blast it to my favorite song at the moment Give me Everything By Pit bull and Ne-yo. I start to run on the dirt path. The music coursing through my veins gets me pumped, I start to run harder. I know all the turns and jumps on the path like the back of my hand.

                I start to run harder think about the turn that's fixing to come up. I'm fixing to turn when... I run into something hard. What, there's not a tree here. And must defiantly a tree is not warm. I scream, but am automatically queited by a hand being shoved over my mouth forcefully

               " You move and I will cut your throat out right now!" The captor snarls into my ear, while he pulls out a long sharp butcher knife and press's it against my throat. Oh my God I'm going to die! No!

                Please dont kill me. Please dont kill me! I chant in my head! Little did I know I would be begging hiim to kill me soon!

               " Okay, so here's the deal, you will do everything I tell you okay!" He says.

                I nod my head thinking it's better if I coroperate. Suddenly I am jerked back by my hair and instantly scream out in pain but its muffled because of the captors hand.

               " I told you not to move or scream!" He snarls again he's breath smelling like death. I feel vomit come up my mouth but shove it down forcefully, knowing it'll only make it worst.

                All the sudden I am backhanded across my cheekbone with unimaginable force! I bite down hard on my lip in agony causeing it to start to bleed profusely, all I know is that its better then being hit again! I feel my self slipping into a black hole. No! I cant past out! I fight it, but I know I am quickly losing.

                 I feel myself being lifted up bridal style by the captor. The last thing I hear before I slip into the blackness is the crunch or his boots whiles he's walking off path taking me to God knows where to do God knows what to me.

********** Waking up:************

                   I awake to people yelling:

                  " Why the hell did you do that to her!" I hear a deep voice screams literally right next to me.

                   I instantly go as still as I can, not daring to move!

                   "She wasn't coroperating." The "captors" voice says simply. The sound of the voice making me sick to my stomach.

                  " Do you realize the shit you could get into! He said not to touch her!" The other one yelled.

                 " I'll just say that--" He starts but is interrupted by a loud booming voice coming from a little away. Maybe the door?

                 " No! No excuss's duchbag! You put your hand on her when I plainly told you NOT TO!" The new voice screams at him. I hear a loud thud then a crack, I expect that's the captor's head meeting the floor. Oh my God this new guy is scaring me shit-less. The captor was strong but it seemed as though he was nothing to the new guy!

                I move my head a little to try and peek at the scene.I am shocked at what I see.  Before me I see my captor on the floor sprawled out with a pool of blood around his head! Oh my God he killed him! Oh my God!!

              All the sudden the new guy looks straight up at me. Our eyes meet and I realize that this is truly the day I welcome death!

             He is over six feet tall with a big muscular body. His face can be summed up in two words, Hard, and Cold! His eyes rank over me like I'm some piece of meat! Oh Lord he's gonna rape me isn't he?

            He comes closer to me and I visibly flinch. He seems to catch it because he starts smiling this evil sadistic smile while laughing. Did I mention that's his teeth are rotten?

           He's at the bed now leaning down on his knees, it takes everything I have not to throw up. He leans in and grabs my chin.

          " So Mercy."He says sneering my name. How the hell does he know my name? " I here you haven't been good? That's gonna stop now! See I'm not a pussy like that little weasel over there that I just so mercifully killed. I wont take you'r little shit! You got me?" He asks raising is eyebrows, our nose's practically touching. Oh my God I'm going to throw up in his face from his breath.

        I nod trying to not think about the stench.

       'Good." He says then smashes his lips on mine. I hold back tears not just from the taste but the emotional abuse

      Thankfully he pulls away fairly quick.

      'Be ready next time! Cause that's not all I'm going to ask from you." He says laughing. Why did this have to  happen to me? Me of all people! Why not the sluts I went to school with?

      They both leave, leaving my murdered captor in the room with me. Once I know they're gone, I go over and throw up on the side of the bed, then start to bawl my head off. The last thing I remember is me curling up into a ball and crying myself to sleep.

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