Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:




                  I wake up the next morning and look around to see the murdered guy and my vomit has been cleaned up. What? Why would they do that? I'm nothing more then a pawn to the physco that has kidnapped me. But on the other hand I am defiantly not complaining.


                I get up out off the hard and firm plain twin size mattress and go to the door to try to peek out  but once I near it, it is door automatically blasted open by an unseen force and in a mere couple of seconds it has me pined behind the door, my back up against the wall. I hear a crack coming from behind me and I realize that it was me when I feel a sharp unbearable pain radiate down my back ! Damn that hurt! Don't cry. Don't Cry. I chant to myself.But it seems the pain doesn't want to listen to me because the next thing I know a single tear slips out of my eye and slides down my face and down my neck.


             I don't have time to rebound from the pain from before, because the next thing I know I am flung back by my hair and slammed into the wall across the room. My head collied with the steel walls and I feel an unimaginable pain start to throb in the back of my head. I don't dare look up knowing it's him. Every time I look up at him I want to puck, not just because of me but because of the things I know he's done to countless other people.


           I can feel him crouch down behind me, from the heat radiating off of him. I try to keep as still as I can but the pain from my back and head gets the best of me and I let a small moan of pain. I am pulled back by my  hair again and brought towards him! The pain in my head throbs even more making me bite my lip to keep from screaming out in agony.


        I feel him breath on my neck then say against my skin.


       "You try that again and and i wont be so easy on you." He say simply, then lets go of my hair but not before slamming my head against the wall again for good measure, then leaves.


        The pain by now is excruciating now but I still don't cry yet for the fact that he may be still out there and I don't want him to see weakness. I try to crawl to the bed but cant because of the pain from my back stabbing over and over.I lay my head on the cold concrete and try to think about happier days when I was not falling to piece's.


~~~~~~~~Mercy's Flashback~~~~~~~~~


      The day was hot, and humid, but that was nothing usual living in the grand state of Texas. My mother and I were out on the patio drinking ice cold lemonade she had made herself. Her sitting in her favorite rocking chair , me in my favorite swing.


       " So Hun, how was school today?" She asks in her southern drawl.


        " Good." I say


        " So hows that cute boy Matt doing?" She asks


        " He's okay." I say trying not to blush because Matt and I have a date Friday night!


       The only bad thing is that my mother is obsessed with me one day marrying Matt preferably after I graduate High-School. But the problem with that, is that I don't want to get married straight out of High-School like my mama. My mama and father got married after  they graduated and look where that got them? My father dieing out on the construction job that he worked so hard on, because my mom refused to work, feeling as if it was her job to stay at home and be a stay at home mom. My mom after five years of him dead has still not remarried feeling as if it's her duty to preserve his fathers memory.


      " You should invite him over, Mercy for dinner one night. Ya'll are just so cute together." She says. Well off course we're cute together, he has sandy blond hair and blue eyes basically the all-american dream. While I have dark brown hair with green eyes and a dark tan and look nothing like an the"All Americandream" I think sarcasticly. Mom says it's from my fathers side of the family. Well of course mom it is, you have blond hair and light blue eyes.


     "Yeah." Is all I say, not daring tell her that we have a date Friday night.


     " So, why do I get the feeling that yuo're not telling me everything?" She asks. Dang she's good.


     " Okay, mom promise you wont freak out." I say


     "Well of course I wont." She say's like it the last thing from her mind. Yeah Right!


      " Okay well we sort of have a date Friday night." I tell her.


       The next thing I know I am propelled out of my seat and swung and a circles!Jeez how does a hundred and five pound women do that?


        " Oh my Gosh! Oh my Gosh! We have to go buy an outfit for you!" She says exactingly.


         This is why I love my mother so much, she only wants the best for me!


~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~


          I cry thinking about those wonderful memories that I so often took for granted. I wish I could I go back and just experience one more.


         I painfully crawl over to the, lump they call a bed  and crawl in. I pull the itchy blanket up and rest my head on the hard mattress's and think about what I would do to be home just once more.


*********Okay, so I hoped you liked it!!! I know it was a little short but I honestly felt that that was the right place to stop!!!! So remember if you liked comment vote and fan!!! Thanks Katelyn<3 :)!!!!!!!!*************



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