Chapter 7

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*Mammon Esper


   "Indeed it is."

I didn't know why but... I agree with the man beside me as I look at the extraordinary field of exotic flowers. It's gigantic! I don't even remember flying towards this place.



I wander my eyes to my surroundings, just finding out that my dear Phantasma isn't with me this time.

Where is he?

Oh well. Maybe he wandered off to somewhere.

I shrugged.

   "Phantasma. A sly creature. Isn't it?"

   "Indeed he is. But, he's all I have."

Phantasma is really all I have. He's not just a partner to me nor an animal. He's a family to me. I remembered when I tried to push him away because he won't have anything from me. Really. But, no matter what I do, he always come back. He's like my familiar or some sort but I still treat him as my brother. Even though he's an animal.

   "He's loyal to his familiar."

I nodded once again.

I looked at the man. He was old. His dark blue-ish hair play in the wind. He has a gentle smile. So gentle that it sort of warm me. He's ...... why do I feel that he's fond to me. His brown robe-- old robe.

He looked at me, I flinched as he smiled at me. So warm that he almost burn my heart. So gentle that..... I don't know. Gentle?

What in the world is happening?

He raise his hand, he cup my face. His palm was so rough but why it is soft at the same time? He's eyes were pleading. And drowned in sorrow and despair.

My heart felt pain. Seeing him like this. Why!?

Then suddenly, a tear drop from his eye, mumbling, ".... I'm sorry."


For what? I am totally confused!

He sobbed, "....I'm really sorry.... I really do. Please forgive me...."

Forgive him? I don't even know him! But... why? Why is my eyes all getting wet?

   "I am sorry b...but I'm c....confused. I don't know you." I said, all stumbling.

His dark blue eyes widen upon hearing my words. I don't know but.... is that pain in his eyes?

His hands slid to the back of my head.

He suddenly hug me.

I am surprise. Not that he hugged me.

I am surprise because I never struggled when he did. I just let him. This is not me at all.

Something that arrowed me! Directly to my heart! With that, not knowing, something hot dripped down from my eyes through my cold cheeks.



I suddenly opened my eyes, it was so bright that it took seconds to let it adjust. It was a good thing that my hood shaded my poor eyes. I panted.

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