Chapter 8

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"What happened here!? Why start a party without the Prince!?" Bel exclaimed, lifting his knives, ready to throw it to whoever the intruder was,

if there even are.

"Where have you been, you brats!?" And just by that voice, I already know who it is. "We are under attack for fuck sake!" yelled Squalo once again.

Ok, there are.

The place was still covered by thick gray smoke. I covered my nose as the Prince cough.

Stupid Prince.

Belphegor took his box weapon and shove his ring inside as he infused it with his storm flames. After a few seconds, the box release his box animal, a mink.

"Visone Tempesta." he said, "Clear the smoke!"

The mink went to a bit higher place as he spin his tail rapidly with its flame. The smoke almost cleared.

I now clearly see the boss who's sitting in his beloved chair as if nothing had happened. Levi-A-Than, being a usual loyal dog to the Boss, stood in front of of the Boss. Squalo was gritting his teeth as he impatiently waits with his sword to know who were the intruders. The new girl was standing next to Fran who's looking ever so bored. Lussuria was holding a spatula, obviously he just came from the kitchen.

A little bit more. I can see their black boots.

After the smoke cleared, the Mink went back to his stupid master.

We don't know who they are. Even me. But they were looking at me.

"There she is." and the one that leads(perhaps?) point his finger to me.

A moment of silence. Like there were to begin with but. I felt terrified.

The chap used the term 'SHE' . My throat went dry and I froze. Again?! I'm pretty sure I did my job neatly. Not exposing my identity. What in the world is happening!?

Now the whole gang look at me aside from Fran. He already knew! But he'd steal a tad glance just to not make it more mysterious. Smart kid. Even the girl that I forgot the name! Boss opened his eyes to look at me. His eyes are piercing through my soul. I feel weak all of the sudden. Their mouth are all agape!

I can't actually comprehend this feeling! The silence is killing me!

What is exactly happening!? Or maybe I'm just exaggerating!

Then someone laughed. They all looked to the one who's laughing which is now lying on the marbled floor, rolling as he held his stomach.

We all knew who that is.

"Shishishishi~! Are you kidding me?! That brat!?" he pointed his finger to me, "How many times I already got this nonsense? I've been with this brat and he's not a GIRL!!" Bel exclaimed as he was laughing. But there was a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

Why was he being so defensive about it? Or maybe he's just annoyed hearing it?

"Yes. That's true. Mammon-chan has been with us ever since. He couldn't be a 'she'." Lussuria said as he tap his chin.

Either way, I'm saved. Why do I suddenly felt offended?

Varia members now telling me that I couldn't be a girl. They even reasoned out.

I felt bad for my being at some reason. What the heck is now happening here? But anyway, I need to kill these bastards.

The intruders seems to not bothered at their reasoning. Just who are they!?

"Get her." The leader sighed.

I'll show you what will happened when you call me that thing!

I took a step forward then my tentacles quickly morphed into blades and slices them into twos. Not minding the blood in my tentacles. It was a good thing that I was doing this because of fear and not because of pleasure. I'm no psychopath. But I don't mind killing.

I let them fall after I sliced them.

The gang stopped from talking. I guess they just noticed it that I did it in a glimpse.

"Woah. Mammon....chan." Lussuria was taken a back.

They jaw dropped again.

"Since when did you move so fast and since when did you get strong?" Levi's mouth was on a shape of perfect convex shape.

"Who cares? Work is done. Let the maintenance do the work here now. And I don't like being addressed as SHE. Blasted twats." I turned my back to leave. Then I stopped and tilt my head to them a bit, "Tch." Then I walked away. That was close. REALLY CLOSE.


"Here." Fon gave me my favorite Strawberry Milk.

Reborn called for Arcobaleno meeting again. And while waiting for Madame Aria, we bought ourselves a drink. Well, Skull did, thanks to Reborn.

And yes. Even though we're already a grown up or back to our original size, Skull is till Reborn's Lackey. Poor lad I must say. But whatever. It saved me from walking my feet just to buy strawberry milk. Dang.

"Hey! I'm sorry for being late..... again." said Madame Aria as she ran to us.

"L-Lady Aria! It's not good for you to run around like that now that you have precious in you." Fon said gently as he stood up and assist the Boss.

"Gentleman as always." Aria giggled as accepted his hands.

"Well, that's Fon for you, kora!" Said Colonello.

The martial artist chuckled it off, "It's in my blood."

"My my." sighed Verde.

"Hurry up. I need business to attend." I said as I sip my strawberry milk.

Reborn cough to catch the attention of the fellow Arcobalenos, "Ahem. Yes, let's hurry. We found that the Princess is spotted in the United Kingdom. We shall go there at once and find clues or anything in order to save the Princess from falling into the wrong hands."

"The Princess, huh."

"What do you think, Viper?"

"I don't know what you're thinking right now, Reborn. But you said that MAYBE this Princess is STILL alive. We're not sure if what your spy spotted is really The Princess anyway." I said. What was he thinking? Why was he looking at me like that?

"You're right. But I never wanted to leave any chances and possibility." he said casually.

"Right. I want to know if she's safe from any harm. I want to know how she had been after this years. AND. I want to.... apologize to her. For not stopping her." he was sadden again.


"Who's up with my idea? We will leave after two days." Reborn said.

Mostly of them agreed, except from Verde as expected but he just couldn't defy Reborn, in the end, he agreed. And now they all looked at me.

I sighed, "Say, what's with you and this princess anyway?'

Reborn smiled, "Curious and a helping a friend."

I sighed once again.

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