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Charlie's POV

I was woken by a load scream From beside me. Her body was shaking, tears rolling down her cheeks

Parisa was having a nightmare,

Zahra ran in hearing her scream.

I sat up and we tried to wake her, suddenly she woke and let out a scream.

"Charlie," she gasped.

She fell onto my chest crying loudly.

"What happened Parisa?" Zahra asked taking a hold of Parisa's shaking hand.

"Is he okay? is he still alive?" Parisa chocked out.

Before either of us could answer Zahra's phone rang.

She answered it Apprehensively Curious to know  know who would be calling her at this Time Of night.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she hung her phone up,

"Dad's sick, very sick." She cried, I wrapped an arm around her but kept one arm around a crying Parisa.

"They don't know if he'll make it" Zahra started, " his conditions so bad the doctor said it would be a miracle if he sees the morning.

"I'm going to the hospital now!" Parisa said throwing on a jumped and a pair of joggers.

"Me too" Zahra agree, and rushed to her room. To change out of her pjs.

I pulled on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, tied my messy hair back and waited for the girls.

We rushed outside to the car, we Zahra jumped in the driver seat and me and Parisa in the back,

I checked the my phone for the time, 4:03 am. That's why the roads were so quiet,

Zahra raced down the motorway, giving no care to the world what speed she was driving at.

Suddenly a lorry switched lanes but lost control of the wheel and drove straight into us.......

Will their dad survive?
Will they survive?
What will happen next......
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