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Mikey's POV

"Hey," I said waiting for a replied through the phone.

"Hey Mikey," ??? Replied.

"Look I'm sorry, I really am, I should of never of taking Betsy's side, I'm with you and Parisa now, please forgive me, I'm sorry Charlie I really am" I said.

"I forgive you Mikey, but we kinda have an issue" Charlie told me.

"What?" I asked totally oblivious to what I was going to be going to be told

Then he told me everything that happened and is still happening.

I got the first train to Kent and was at the hospital within a few hours

"It's not looking good Mikey," Charlie said, he was sat at Parisa's side, tears covering his face.

I was so happy they were together now, it was obvious there feeling had been hidden for each other for ages.

"I'm gonna lose her" he cried.

"Charlie, you need to calm down mate, we both know how strong P is, she's gonna be okay" I told him.

"No offence mate, but you look awful. Go home and get a shower, get something proper to eat then come back, I'll stay with her." I told him.

It took a bit of encouragement but finally he left Parisa's bedside and went home.

I looked down at her still, unconscious body. I was heartbroken, if she died I would never of forgave myself for not taking her side, now I'm on their side, I need her to wake up, I need to tell her I'm on her side, that I'm really sorry.

I looked at her, so pretty and beautiful, Charlie was a lucky guy, to have a girl like Parisa. Not that I liked her, I just wanted my best friend back.

After a while, she started to move, slowly but it was a sign she was waking up from her coma. Suddenly she started jerking up and down. I immediately pressed her call button and nurses and doctors came running in.

"Charlie" she screamed, I couldn't see her for all the people crowed around her though.

Suddenly everything stop, I stood on my tip toes and watched as she lay still again, her eyes shut.

"She's asleep, she should wake up soon though." A nurse told me.

"Do you know who Charlie?" She asked me.

"It's her boyfriend" I answered, as I said that Charlie ran through the door,

"What's happened to her, why's there so many people" he panicked.

"That's him" I pointed to him.

"She's just woke, but she screamed your name, looking for you. She's fine though, she's just asleep now" the nurse told him.

He sighed in relief, reading what happened was good. She was no longer in a coma.

We sat at either side of her, both of us hoping she would wake up soon.

Charlie took a pen and started writing on a bandage on her right wrist. She had lots of bandages and stitches but I hope she was going to be fine.

I read what Charlie was writing,

Baby girl,
I love you and I miss you,
Please wake up soon,
I need you
Love Charlie xxx

It was cute, I new how much Charlie loved her, and I suspected P loved him just as much.

Me and Charlie sat talking about nothing in particular for a while until Parisa finally woke up.

The fist person she looked for was Charlie, she was so weak though, she could barely sit up.

Charlie helped her sit up, she slowly turned around and saw me.

"What are you doing here? Are you gonna hurt me? You hate me"she panicked.

"Babe, calm down, it's Mikey. He's not on Betsy's side, he's with us now. He'll explain. But he's not gonna hurt you" Charlie calmed her.

She sat quietly and still as I explained to her.

Zahra came in a while later, helping her dad come in too.

"Miss Tarjomani, glad to see your awake" the doctor said as she entered the room.

"Obviously your very weak now, but in a few days time suspect you'll be strong enough to go home, if your family are willing to help you" she said.

She told us everything and Parisa was now aloud to go home in a few days.

Parisa's awak and she's fine!
All is well with them , but what about Betsy?

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