4 - Shut Up and Kiss Me, Idiot

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The walk home was uncomfortable to say the least. Wally kept trying to bring up the day before while Dick instantly rejected the topic in any way, shape or form possible. There was no way he was going let him talk about it even a little. He could see how frustrated Wally was getting because of his constant shut downs, but that didn't matter to Dick. All that mattered was he avoided the pain that the subject and rejection would bring even if it meant shutting Wally down over and over.


When the pair arrived at Dick's home, the awkward tension seemed to have grown ten fold. Dick waited for the gate to open, fingers tapping nervously on his leg. He just needed it to open so he could get into his room as fast as possible. The faster he got inside the faster he could escape from the uncomfortable situation they had ended up in due to his impulsive actions.

Wally didn't seem much better, even Dick could tell through his own flustered state. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, looking half like he wanted to run away and half like he wanted nothing more than to stay and continue confronting Dick. When the gate started to creak open, things seemed to slow down. It was almost like time had stopped.

Would this be the end of their friendship? Would it continue being awkward between them until the awkwardness developed further and became too much for them to handle? Wally couldn't let it end that way! If it was going to end, he'd make sure it would end with him at least addressing the event that had caused all the uneasiness between them to begin with!

Dick opened his mouth to bid his friend a hasty goodbye, but was cut off when a pair of lips crashed into his own. The kiss was sloppy and inexperienced, a mess of tongue and clashing teeth that was surprisingly pleasant despite the awkwardness of it. It was definitely not the sort of first kiss they'd both imagined and hoped to share, but it was a kiss nonetheless.

When the kiss ended, all the younger boy could do was stare at his friend, his mouth slightly open in shock. "Wally, what was-" The ginger was red faced, his freckles hidden behind the blanket of red now covering his cheeks. He was quick to cut of Dick before he could even finish asking his question, before he could lose what little nerve he had left. "I just...you see I...I really like you! A-And not in the friend way, in the I like you way."

Dick could see his friend was about to begin rambling and if that happened it was only a matter of time before he ran away in all the flustered embarrassment. He had to act, and fast. This was his chance to show Wally he truly did return his feelings. He had to show him his confession wasn't just a spur of the moment thing or they really would lose any chance they had at developing their relationship into something meant for more than friends.

He grabbed the taller boy by the collar of his shirt, tugging him down so their lips crashed together once again. The kiss was still awkward, if not more awkward than the first one, but it was covered up and improved by the fact that there were feelings there. Mutual feelings. Both of the boys could feel the emotions behind the kiss, the emotions they had both been trying to hide from each other for so long.

When they parted, both teens were breathless, lips still brushing against each other with every soft breath they took. "Shut up and kiss me, idiot..." Dick whispered against his lips, bright blue eyes half lidded and close to just falling closed again.

And then they were kissing again. It wasn't like the previous awkward kisses. It was more refined, more careful. Their lips meshed together in a soft sweetness that was so full of affection and care, it sent tingles down Dick's spine. Everything about it just felt so perfect and right. The black haired teen let his eyes fall closed, let himself get lost in the wonderful feeling.

Dick's arms wound themselves around Wally's neck, pulling their bodies closer together. He felt the older boys arms wind around his waist and soon they were pressing even closer than before. Their was a soft swipe of a tongue across his lips and he happily complied, parting them for Wally. Their tongues tangled and danced together, not a battle for dominance, but a simple exploration to familiarize themselves with each other. They were getting familiar with one another in a way friends don't.

This what Dick had wanted. What they both had wanted. Except neither of them had imagined it with the awkward interruption of someone clearing their throat behind them. The boys instantly separated, both sporting cheeks so red they could rival a tomato.

"A-Alfred." Dick said, clearing his own throat just as awkwardly. The butler, who was more of a grandfather to him, gave them an amused smile that only served to make their blushes burn even brighter, something neither of them thought was physically possible. "Master Dick, I only came to check if you were coming inside. I apologise for interrupting, but would it not be easier for Master Wallace to come inside?"

"Eheh..." Wally never really felt awkward around Alfred as the man had taken him under his wing as part of the family almost immediately, but he had the feeling he definitely would being feeling awkward now. "I don't want to intrude. Besides, I should probably get home. Getting late and all." He rubbed the back of his neck and his green eyes met Dick's bright blue eyes before they flashed to briefly meet Alfred's amused gaze, which he doubted he would ever be able to do again without turning red out of embarrassment. "Maybe another time." Dick agreed, still the slightest bit breathless from their kiss, evident in the quiet way he spoke.

"Right, another time. Anyway, uh...s-see you tomorrow morning, Dick." Neither said anything more to each other before the hyperactive boy was running off. It was hard not to accidentally use his super speed when his nerves were jittery with excitement and embarrassment, but he managed. Barely.

"Alfred, is this something we can keep between us?" Dick said as he watched his friend disappear around the corner. "Absolutely, Master Richard." The butler replied with an amused hum. "Thank you, Alfred."


'Home?' Wally received the text the usual 14 or so minutes after he'd already sped home. 'Home' He replied, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment. 'So the kiss...' He sent before the brief conversation between them could end. 'Tomorrow Wally', was the reply he received.

He couldn't say he wasn't disappointed that he'd have to wait, but at least he knew they would. 'Promise?' He sent in his own childish way of getting confirmation that they really would talk about it this time. 'Promise'.

With that, both boys were able to sleep somewhat comfortably. It wasn't the easiest thing with memories of their shared kisses bombarding their sleep, but they managed with smiles on their sleeping faces.

So maybe it really wasn't a spur of the moment thing. Wally wasn't complaining.

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